Stray cat begs to be let inside house then gives birth to three kittens

It is a sad truth, but animals getting abandoned in the streets is no longer considered unusual.

Animal Galaxy Source: Animal Galaxy

While we mostly love to have pets around, adopting a pet to look after is not for everyone. Some people cannot afford to have pets in the house due to their busy schedules, while others simply can’t afford to have another mouth to feed in the place.

It is not that we do not love animals, but certain circumstances can prevent people from adopting their own pets, even if they badly want one. Because of this, it already seems impossible for all abandoned pets to be adopted by a family who will take care of them.

Animal Galaxy Source: Animal Galaxy

Climate can be very harsh in some parts of the year, and this can be dangerous, especially for animals who don’t have a regular home they can go to. The winter season, for example, can be very lethal for little furry bodies that won’t be able to get the warmth they need. Food is also scarce in this season.

Whenever an abandoned pet is accepted into a home, we always perceive it as inspiring and a moment to be thankful for.

Animal Galaxy Source: Animal Galaxy

One video was uploaded on YouTube showing a cat trying to convince a house owner to let her in. Her adorable face looked desperate and the house owner’s heart melted at the stray cat’s charm.

The cold season has started which means finding shelter and warmth, let alone food, is very difficult for this furry feline. She is in need of attention and was desperate to find some when she placed herself at this woman’s front door.

Animal Galaxy Source: Animal Galaxy

The cat was too cute to be ignored, so the woman decided to let her in.

The animal was probably quite desperate to find comfort so she did not hesitate to go up front and went to the woman’s front door. She is lucky that the owner of the house welcomed her inside her abode.

Animal Galaxy Source: Animal Galaxy

Shortly after entering the residence, the stray cat warmly accepted the woman’s gentle pats and petting. She looked like she was enjoying it a lot and it was what she needed at the moment.

When the woman looked closer, she found out why the cat would do everything to convince her to open the door.

Animal Galaxy Source: Animal Galaxy

The stray cat was extra cuddly and was always reaching out for the woman’s touch. She fed the cat whom she noticed had unkempt hair.

A few days later, she also observed that the cat was always sleeping. She looked closer and realized that the cat’s belly is bulging, which meant she was pregnant with at least two kittens. The only question was when she will give birth to her kitties.

Animal Galaxy Source: Animal Galaxy

Shortly after realizing that the cat was pregnant, the animal showed signs that it was about to give birth.

The stray cat delivered three adorable kittens and they now live together. If not for the kind woman’s helping hand, these cats would not have made it to this world safely and healthily.

Animal Galaxy Source: Animal Galaxy

The cats are now ready to go to their new families who adopted them. What a sweet ending to this inspiring story!

Check out more details about it by watching the video below.

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Source: Positive Outlooks, Animal Galaxy
