Homeless dog saves woman’s life after car crash – drags her over 100 feet to get help

The story about ‘Hero’ is most definitely a special one, and the canine’s name suits him more than anything else. Hero is a German Shepherd who was living as a stray and used to hang around the woods in Georgia.

Carlos Aguilar, YouTube screenshot Source: Carlos Aguilar, YouTube screenshot

One day, Shannon Lorio was involved in a severe car crash on a nearby road.

The woman just had a fight with her husband and needed a bit of fresh air and space. She’d gone out for a drive near the woods, but the wind was extremely strong. At one point, it caused her to lose control of the vehicle during a steep turn, which led to the car crash. Apparently, the whole car fishtailed and the impact was massive. Shannon was even thrown directly out of the back window.

Carlos Aguilar, YouTube screenshot Source: Carlos Aguilar, YouTube screenshot

Shannon was unconscious for a while, but when she finally woke up, she noticed that half of her body was still inside the crushed car and she couldn’t get out.

However, she noticed that there was an animal who started running towards her. It was just a black flash for Shannon, who barely knew what was going on.

“I don’t know when I came to, but when I did come to, I felt his huge presence. I could feel his breath. The dog…I don’t know how he came across me, but I thank God that he did,” the woman said.

Carlos Aguilar, YouTube screenshot Source: Carlos Aguilar, YouTube screenshot

After losing consciousness a few times, she came to and realized that the four-footer actually dragged her out of the car wreck.

Hero apparently grabbed the hood of Shannon’s jacket and was able to pull her out quite quickly. In fact, the canine dragged her no less than 100 feet to a safer place, which is definitely a remarkable feat for a dog, even if it’s a larger German Shepherd.

Carlos Aguilar, YouTube screenshot Source: Carlos Aguilar, YouTube screenshot

When Shannon could finally catch her breath and realize what just happened, she got up and immediately thanked the brave pup by wrapping her arms around him.

Help then arrived at just the right time, as another car passed the road.

Carlos Aguilar, YouTube screenshot Source: Carlos Aguilar, YouTube screenshot

The woman was clearly injured and susceptible to passing out again, but she was able to get the attention of the driver who notified her husband and called emergency services.

Shannon’s next memory was in the hospital, and doctors told her that her injuries weren’t too severe and that she wouldn’t need surgery. She kept wondering what happened to the four-footer that saved her life.

“This dog, he did everything. He’s an amazing animal, he really is,” she said.

Carlos Aguilar, YouTube screenshot Source: Carlos Aguilar, YouTube screenshot

It turns out that the dog was later taken to the Humane Society, and the whole community heard about his remarkable rescue story.

Luckily, it didn’t take long before someone wanted to adopt this former stray. Heidy Drawdy, a search-and-rescue trainer for dogs, decided to give him the loving forever home he deserved. In fact, Hero is now even a certified search-and-rescue dog! Shannon wasn’t the only life he’s saved, and people can’t praise this brave and smart pooch enough.

Carlos Aguilar, YouTube screenshot Source: Carlos Aguilar, YouTube screenshot

“I told him you’ll always be my hero,” Shannon said. “That’s what everybody started to call him. And that’s how he got his name.”

Some heroes don’t have capes but have paws instead. What an absolutely amazing, strong and smart dog!

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Source: Carlos Aguilar (YouTube)
