Stray puppy goes nuts barking when it sees an officer and starts chasing him down the street

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Mercado was walking down the street in Los Angeles when an adorable puppy started following him. Soon, he realized that the puppy needed to be rescued.

Mercado and his colleague were walking down Hobart Boulevard in Los Angeles.

Then they noticed that they were being pursued. Luckily, they weren’t alarmed, as the pursuer was an adorable little puppy.

Twitter - LAPD Hollywood Source: Twitter - LAPD Hollywood

At first, Mercado and his colleague tried to ignore the puppy. But he just wouldn’t leave them.

They realized that the dog must have lost or been abandoned by his mother.

So Mercado decided to pick the puppy up and drive him to his workplace.

Twitter - LAPD Hollywood Source: Twitter - LAPD Hollywood

Then Mercado took the puppy home on a temporary basis. He named the dog Hobart, after the street where he had found him.

Mercado contacted a local shelter and arranged to hand Hobart over.

But Mercado had posted about the dog on social media. Many people online had told Mercado to keep the dog. Mercado had to admit that he had taken a shine to the little guy. Soon, he realized that the people online were right.

Facebook - Ghetto Rescue FFoundation (GRFF) Source: Facebook - Ghetto Rescue FFoundation (GRFF)

Mercado decided to adopt Hobart. Now the two are living a very happy life together!

Of course, this isn’t the only time that a stray dog has tried to charm their way into the heart of a passerby.

In late 2019, the internet learned about a stray dog in Romania. This dog used to approach every single passerby, hoping that they would take her in.

Eventually, someone decided to call a rescue organization, Howl of a Dog. This organization took her in and named her Lily.

YouTube Screenshot - Howl of a Dog Source: YouTube Screenshot - Howl of a Dog

For the next three months, Lily stayed in the Howl of a Dog shelter.

Luckily, someone named Tatjana saw the video of Lily trying to desperately find a family and realized that they needed to adopt her.

Soon, Lily was on her way to a forever home in Germany.

YouTube Screenshot - Howl of a Dog Source: YouTube Screenshot - Howl of a Dog

The adopter in Germany lived on a farm. Soon, Lily was playing in hay every single day!

The adopter already had another dog. His name was Mambo. Lily, being a friendly animal, soon got along with Mambo. And then they became best friends.

Lily’s adoption struck a chord with people online.

A video of the story appeared on YouTube, where it soon became popular. To date, it has gained over 233,000 views. It also has more than 15,000 likes and 1,500 comments. People have been saying things like this:

YouTube Screenshot - Howl of a Dog Source: YouTube Screenshot - Howl of a Dog

But of course, there are still so many other stray animals out there.

In America alone, there are around 70 million stray cats and dogs. Hobart and Lily were two of the lucky ones who found loving owners. Sadly, there are still so many out there.

And homeless animals have an impact on everyone, even if you don’t realize it.

For instance, US taxpayers spend between $1 billion to $2 billion every year on homeless animals.

This is why it’s so important to adopt rescue animals and support efforts to help homeless animals.

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Source: ABC7, Howl of a Dog, One Green Planet
