Stray puppy looking for love gets fostered after following a couple home

Every pet deserves a home, but unfortunately, not every pet gets what they deserve.

Numerous animals are abandoned by their owners every day for a variety of reasons. Some people get rid of them due to old age and illness, while others do so because they are relocating to a new location where pets are not permitted.

Sadly, a lot of people do this all throughout the world.

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This leaves countless animals without homes and animal shelters overburdened to take them all in. Animals are strewn all over the streets of Bulgaria, and it doesn’t appear like anything is being done to control the issue.

Despite the fact that there are shelters around the country that can house them, it is almost difficult to provide for them all. This particular brown pup made the decision to act and approach others for assistance because these unfortunate creatures are frequently left to fend for themselves.

This adorable puppy went up to Stoyan and Dessy, a couple in Bulgaria.

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The dog became interested in the couple while they were waiting outside a supermarket shop. The two didn’t think twice to pet the puppy because he appeared friendly.

Stoyan and Dessy left the dog some sausages to eat after completing their errands.

The pup, nevertheless, didn’t appear to want to let them go.

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No matter where they went or how far they traveled, he began to pursue them and wouldn’t let go. Even after trying to shake him off, he kept finding his way to the pair.

For a while, the stray followed them, obviously seeking company. The dog walked so much that he was able to track Stoyan and Dessy back to their house. They chose to take the dog into their house since they felt so horrible for the poor pup.

The dog was initially reluctant to enter.

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But as soon as he did, his life was irrevocably changed for good. He was first given food and drink by the kind couple.

They then gave him a warm bath to remove all of the grime and odor that had accumulated on his fur. After receiving so much attention, the dog relaxed on the floor and slept off.

Now that he had nothing to worry about, the dog slept the loveliest sleep.

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Stoyan and Dessy do all they can to assist animals in finding a forever home since they see that their local government is doing little to solve the stray animal problem in Bulgaria.

They presently take care of four cats that they took in from the streets. Despite having several animals at home, they keep taking in additional stray animals to foster.

They’re quite fortunate to have people supporting them through contributions.

Youtube - PayMeow Source: Youtube - PayMeow

They have 704K YouTube followers they can monetize to help fund their cause. One desire unites Stoyan and Dessy: to create their own animal shelter.

“Bulgaria is a small and poor country with lots of stray cats and not enough kind people to take them in. Our dream is to build a shelter where we could take care of many stray cats with the help of Dessy’s mom,” they said on their Youtube channel.

Simply subscribe to the PawMeow YouTube channel to help Stoyan and Dessy in their effort to aid abandoned animals. Who knows? One day we’ll get to watch them achieve their goals!

Watch the video below to witness the adorable encounter.

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Source: Positive Outlooks, Youtube
