Student faces $12,000 in vet bills after trying to save adopted German shepherd with a virus

In March, 2021, Daniel decided to adopt a cute German Shepherd puppy named Youna. Within just a couple of weeks, she was dead, and he was in huge debt.

On March 6th, 2021, Daniel Chan Hyuk Park decided to adopt Youna, a German Shepherd.

Gofundme - Daniel Chan Hyuk Park Source: Gofundme - Daniel Chan Hyuk Park

She was, in Daniel’s words, “the sweetest, smartest, and loving puppy I had ever met.”

Daniel had decided to adopt Youna because he missed his parents.

Gofundme - Daniel Chan Hyuk Park Source: Gofundme - Daniel Chan Hyuk Park

They had gone back to his home country of South Korea. Daniel would have gone with them, but he was enrolled in college.

When Daniel took Youna in, he hoped that she would be an amazing companion as he graduated and found a career.

Gofundme - Daniel Chan Hyuk Park Source: Gofundme - Daniel Chan Hyuk Park

So for a while, Daniel and Youna got used to living together.

“The first couple of nights were sleepless as anyone who’s had a puppy before would tell you.” – Daniel.

Gofundme - Daniel Chan Hyuk Park Source: Gofundme - Daniel Chan Hyuk Park

Within just a few days, Youna became housebroken. Daniel was amazed. He never expected Youna to be so smart.

But then Youna got ill. She stopped eating any food and suffered from diarrhea.

Being a responsible owner, Daniel took Youna to the vet. The vet was concerned.

The vet said that another German Shepherd puppy owner had taken their pet in two days ago.

That puppy had the exact same birth and vaccination dates. And that puppy had tested positive for parvovirus.

So the vet gave Youna some medication and ran some tests.

Daniel and Youna returned home. He hoped that his dog would be ok, and that the illness was just a coincidence.

That evening, the vet called Daniel up.

He said that the results had come back, and Youna had parvovirus. In fact, the situation was so serious that Youna would have to go to the emergency hospital right away.

Gofundme - Daniel Chan Hyuk Park Source: Gofundme - Daniel Chan Hyuk Park

Daniel and Youna arrived at the hospital at 4 am. Daniel handed his puppy over to the vets. He hoped that they could save her.

But over the next few days, Youna’s condition got worse and worse. The vets worked so hard to make Youna recover. One of them even gave Youna a plasma transfusion from her own dog, who had survived parvovirus.

Gofundme - Daniel Chan Hyuk Park Source: Gofundme - Daniel Chan Hyuk Park

Still, the transfusion was not enough. Youna suffered from septic shock.

The vets explained to Daniel that there was nothing more that they could do. So Daniel agreed to put Youna to sleep.

Daniel had known Youna for just two weeks. Naturally, he was devastated at losing her. And then he got the bill.

He was shocked to see that he owed $12,000. Of course, Daniel does not blame the vets. They did all that they could for his dog. But being a student, he had no idea how he could pay off this bill.

So he started a Gofundme. He hated the idea of asking other people for money. But he had no other choice.

Linkedin -Daniel (Chan Hyuk) Park Source: Linkedin -Daniel (Chan Hyuk) Park

He set a goal of $3,000, which would be a first repayment for the bill. He stated that he would work to pay the rest of the bill off.

Luckily, people really empathized with Daniel’s story.

They could tell that he had been through something terrible at no fault of his own. So people donated. Soon, Daniel had exceeded his campaign goals. By the beginning of April, 2021, Daniel had managed to raise over $5,000. Hopefully, he will be able to earn more money so that he can focus on his studies.

If you want to donate to Daniel, here is his Gofundme page.

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Source: Pique News Magazine, Gofundme
