Couple with “super clingy” cat invent fake lap to keep her occupied

Becky May and her husband adopted Ziggy the cat and her sister, Harley, from a London shelter. After they took their time to feel comfortable in their new home, the two kitties started opening up and showing their feelings to their new parents.

Rebecca May Source: Rebecca May

Especially Ziggy, a ten-year-old kitty, who is super affectionate and loves cuddling and snuggling with her new family members. However, as time went by, Becky and her husband realized that Ziggy would just seek a lap to sit on all the time.

“β€œHer ears go flat and her eyes go black when she thinks you’re about to sit,” May told The Dodo. β€œIt’s almost like your lap is a target and she is straight on there whether you’re ready or not.”

Rebecca May Source: Rebecca May

Things started getting worse when both Becky and her husband started working from home. This sounded like a good deal to Ziggy, who translated working from home into infinite cuddling, keyboard stretches, desk climbing and more.

“When I have a 1-hour conference call it gets difficult because she gets quite vocal, starts trying to climb on my desk, batting at my headset wire,” May said.

Rebecca May Source: Rebecca May

At first, they tried to keep her in a separate room during phone calls or important meetings, but it didn’t work since she would shout until she was let in their office.

Eventually, Becky’s husband came up with an idea. He had realized that, in order to keep Ziggy off their laps and desks, he had to provide an alternative to her. So, he invented the “fake lap”.

Rebecca May Source: Rebecca May

At first, he put a heating pad on the inside of a pair of trousers, but it didn’t work. However, he didn’t stop trying.

“We tried just the trousers with the heat mat inside but she wasn’t sold!” Becky said.

But, then, it hit him. He would make the fake lap even more realistic! So, he stuffed the pants with a duvet cover, kept the heating pad, and even added tennis shoes and a pillow stomach. This finally worked!

Ziggy, after being skeptical at first, soon decided to give the new lap a try, and she loved it! In fact, the first time she used it, she sat on it for four hours straight! And this was a major victory for the Mays!

As Becky said, her husband made the fake lap just for fun, he never really believed that the cat would enjoy sitting on it. But he was proved wrong- Ziggy loved her new lap and her parents could finally work peacefully.

Flickr Source: Flickr

Now, you might be wondering if the fake lap causes some discomfort to the Mays. Actually, it kind of does, and that’s why they don’t always use it, but keep it for long meetings and calls.

“I think the trousers are a bit too scary to keep up all the time,” Becky said, “but we’ll definitely put it back out when we have a busy day of calls!”

We absolutely loved this win-win situation! How creative of them!

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Source: The Dodo, Sunny Skyz
