'Survivor' winner to donate his entire $1 million dollar prize to veterans in need

Surely you have heard of the tv show ‘Survivor’, it has been on the air for over 22 years and is now on season 44.

And if you know the show, then you know the grand prize for winning is $1 million dollars.

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For one man, his desire to win the competition was not so he could use the money for himself, he had bigger plans.

52-year-old Texas native Mike Gabler was a fan favorite right from the beginning, and he worked hard to make it to the final 3.

He won the competition with a staggering 7-1-0 vote.

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After finding out he won and would be receiving the million dollars, he decided to make an announcement.

“There are people who need that money more.” he said, “I am going to donate the entire 1 million dollar grand prize in my father’s name, Robert Gabler, who’s a Green Beret, to veterans in need.”

He says he wants the money to go towards helping veterans who are dealing with psychiatric problems like PTSD, and hopes that his donation can change some lives for the better.

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Though Mike was never in the military he is surrounded by people who have been, including his father, uncles, and many high school friends.

Mike said that when he was struggling on the show, when he wanted to tap out and call it quits, he would think of the veterans in his life, and his resolve would strengthen again.

He also says that before going on the show, one of his veteran friends asked him what he would do if he won.

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His immediate thought was how it could benefit his life, but he realized he was extremely fortunate and it would be put to better use if he donated it.

Mike discussed his plan of what he wanted to do with his wife before he even left for the Fiji Islands, where season 43 was filmed.

His wife was on board and encouraged him to give it his all.

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Mike is a heart-valve specialist and lives a comfortable life with his family, and while the money would be nice, he knew they could do without it.

Around 15% of the veterans who come back from serving their country experience some form of PTSD.

In the past 10 years alone, there have been well over 6,000 suicides by veterans, and that number is steadily increasing.

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Mental health is a serious issue for everyone, but because of the things they see and experience in combat, veterans are at a higher risk than any other group of people.


With Mike’s million-dollar winnings, the Veterans Association will be able to help many of the men and women who come back from combat and need some help.

There are many different helplines that are available, but by dialing 988 you can be connected to a crisis worker who will listen to you and try to help you get the help that everybody deserves.


Watch Mike’s heartfelt donation speech in the video below.

Please SHARE this with your friends and family.

Source: Youtube, My Positive Outlooks, Instagram, 988 Lifeline, Veterans Association of America
