Susan Boyle renovates her childhood home and gives us a sneak peek inside

You may or may not remember, but Susan Boyle rose to viral fame when she sang her incredible version of “I Dreamed a Dream” on Britains Got Talent. Since that moment, she has been keeping pretty low – despite selling 25 million records and earning two Grammy nominations!

Her “celebrity status” hasn’t seemed to affect her all that much.

With all the income that came her way after her success, she could have lived anywhere in the world! Where did she decide to settle down? Her childhood home in Scotland, of course! She loved her home so much that she bought it right as she got her first check from the record label.

When she bought the home, it needed some work.

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With her new financial resources, she got to work making it the home of her dreams! Bringing her past into this new home, she has made something reminiscent of her childhood home (complete with all the old-school trimmings).

She even decided to upload a video walkthrough of the place!

In the tour, she shows off her piano room and lets us in on a joke:

“That’s a giggle for a start because I can’t even do scales.”

Moving on to the kitchen, Susans didn’t spare much when it came to this aspect of the house. Kitchens are the heart of a home and always are worth the investment. It’s small but useful. It even has a framed photo of Susan hanging out with Pope Francis!

Her living room is bright and homey.

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It’s a house of simple comfort. Full of photos of siblings and family, you can’t help but feel connected when walking through the rooms. As you move through the home, you see her career documented, starting with her meteoric rise.

A special element unique to the home is the cute baubles!

All around the home are little animals and figurines. With little rabbits near the fireplace and wooden cats hiding around the edges of things, you can’t help but see her gentle spirit residing in every facet of the home.

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She didn’t take us into her own bedroom for her own privacy, but we’ve already seen plenty.

The home looks cute and chic, but Susan claims she isn’t done yet! More renovations are coming, and it will take some more time when she isn’t on tour to complete.

For example, there is a spare room that hasn’t even been touched yet.

House timelines are always flexible, and we are never truly “done” with our homes – something always comes up. As we make progress, however, we put more of ourselves into our homes. Susan’s home is a clear representation of who she is – a world-class singer with the heart of an everyday person.

“Some people seem surprised that I choose to stay in my family home. Why shouldn’t I? I feel Mum is still here and there are so many good memories … I’ve spent most of my life in this house and I won’t move now, because I feel it’s part of my new history.”

Check out the video below!

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Source: YouTube, Susan Boyle, Sunday Post
