Knife-wielding suspect agrees to surrender to police if they let him pet the K9 dog

Police never know what they’re going to find when they respond to call. While they can get details from dispatch, they never truly know the full extent of the situation – nor do they know what will trigger the person they are on their way to see.

In Camden County, Georgia the deputies had an interesting call – unlike most other calls for one adorable reason.

Deputies in Camden County, received a call mid-May about a man carrying a knife while walking down the interstate.

The suspect was found and wasn’t interested in dropping the knife.

Things quickly changed when Cpl. Sullivan and his partner K9 Troger arrived. Our knife yielding friend didn’t respond to Cpl. Sullivan and his demand for a knife drop.

Until he noticed K9 Troger that is.

Camden County Sheriff's Office Source: Camden County Sheriff's Office

He asked if K9 Troger was with Cpl. Sullivan and when Sullivan said yes, everything changed.

The suspect asked if he could pet the K9 officer. Cpl. Sullivan said yes under one condition, the knife had to be dropped.

The suspect quickly dropped his knife and was able to pet K9 Troger.

The Sheriff’s office was able to quickly take the suspect in and get the help he needed without further incident.

Camden County Sheriff's Office Source: Camden County Sheriff's Office

A story of how powerful dogs can be and how useful they can be in tricky situations.

While dogs are without a doubt man’s best friend, they started becoming members of the police units around 1899 in Belgium, according to the Law Enforcement Museum.

In 1907, word had spread about these K9 officers, and soon the United States wanted some. Brigadier General Theodore A. Bingham, the New York (NY) Police Commissioner, sent Inspector George R. Wakefield to learn about these K9 officers.

Wakefield returned home with 5 sheepdogs ready to train. While not entirely successful, by 1911, the United States and specifically New York, had 16 trained dogs that would patrol in the evenings.

In 1918, the United States had disbanded the use of dogs as police forces had patrol cars. It wasn’t until the world saw the success of K9’s in World War II did dogs become regularly used.

Camden County Sheriff's Office Source: Camden County Sheriff's Office

By the 1950s the dog training program was in full force.

According to the Law Enforcement Museum, “The canines help us do our job safer and faster saving the Sheriff’s Office hundreds of man-hours every year. The canines freely and willingly go into areas deputies are not able to. We rely on the canine teams to use their special abilities to help us locate suspects, evidence, narcotics, explosives, or missing persons quickly. “

We can’t imagine life without these adorable and talented members of the police force.

“America has seen the use of canines in law enforcement for more than 100 years; with failures and successes, but one aspect has remained, and that is the continued use of man’s best friend remaining an integral part – and partner – to law enforcement professionals,” the Law Enforcement Museum said.

We are all thankful for the sacrifices these dogs make to help keep everyone safe and thankful K9 Troger was there. Who knows what the outcome would have been without him.

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Source: Camden County Sheriff’s Office, Law Enforcement Museum, News4Jax
