Sweet dog cuddles orphaned fawn like a protective older brother

German Shepherds are known for their intelligence, their protection skills, and their ability to manage animals (duh, they have the word “shepherd in their name)! All of these things combine to make a great animal for many people and families.

They can look scary but many of they are just big babies.


There are so many examples of dogs, German Shepherds in particular, who have a soft spot for other animals! They can just be big puppies! One German Shepherd named Nuka has a best friend that is a rat! Who would have guessed!

Sarge is a German Shepherd who showed his true colors.


With a name like Sarge, you might think that this dog is a mean and angry guard dog – and you would be wrong! After a family brought an orphaned and injured fawn home for rehabilitation, Sarge took a liking to him!

Cheryl Stephen noticed the budding relationship between dog and deer.

Catching the two hanging out, she was amazed at her dogs compassion and trust of other animals! Sarge has some experience with animals and makes a great friend!

“I’ve been bringing home strays since I was a little girl and I’ve never stopped. I have two sons and they are animal-lovers too,” Cheryl told Bored Panda.

Cheryl has brought home quite the list of animals.


She obviously has a huge heart for animals who need help. Thankfully, Sarge does too! she has brought home a rooster, and an entire pack of rescue dogs! Through it all, Sarge has been incredible. Even in one of the most difficult pairings, Sarge did great when Cheryl brought home a squirrel! Dogs are supposed to chase squirrels but Sarge was definitely “above that”.

Cheryl brought home the deer after it was found in the road.

Roads and deer have a rough history. Thankfully, this little fawn was able to find a home with Cheryl. It appeared to be orphaned and was hurt by a car. With a heart like Cheryls, she couldn’t pass up the opportunity to help.

The fawn’s mother never came.

Hoping the mother would come back for her, they waited around. Sadly, she never did. This fawn needed a new family and Sarge was happy to help!

When Sarge met the deer, he immediately knew she needed a guardian.


When Sarge took charge, he was very loving and protective of the little fawn. She doesn’t need as much protection now that she has recovered but nobody seemed to tell Sarge! He loves the deer and spends much of his day snuggling!

Cheryl has made a hobby out of helping animals.


Their farm is always bursting with interesting animals who just need a little love. She always has creatures roaming her land and her home.

“We aren’t an ‘official’ sanctuary and we don’t take donations. We just love animals.”

Sarge takes up role as protector and friend to many of them

Sarge doesn’t care what species you are, once you are in the pack, you are in! His role as protector and friend is a mantle that he carries well and often.

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Source: Instagram, Animal Channel
