Camera shows Golden Retriever mama coming to comfort puppy who can't find her

Dog moms are just like human moms. They are caring, gentle, and protective of their little ones. At the first sign of distress, they are by their puppies’ side to help.

A precious Golden Retriever has just given birth.

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To make sure that she and her puppies are safe, her owners decided to make a special enclosed area for them. They placed a camera near it so they can see what’s happening inside.

Instead of trouble, the camera picked up a precious event.

Like most moms, the mommy dog stepped away for a little while. Despite being outside of the enclosure, she still kept an eye on her precious puppies.

At first, everyone was calm and relaxed. They were just curled up and napping.

Then, one puppy decided he needed his mom.

Since puppies can’t speak or bark properly, the puppy started crying and whimpering. Hearing her puppy’s call, mommy dog went over the enclosure to check.

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She didn’t go inside right away.

Quietly, she stood at the entrance and watched the puppies. Even though she was sure it wasn’t an emergency, she still went closer to check.

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She found the crying puppy and went to smell him. And just to make sure everything was really well with her little one, she inspected him thoroughly.

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After a while, she decided to go over the other puppies and lie down next to them. The crying puppy realized that mommy dog went away again so he started searching for her.

He started waddling towards her as if he can track her by her scent. Mommy dog, on the other hand, was just patiently lying there.

Unfortunately, the crying puppy wasn’t successful.

He turned back around, stumbled, and went in circles. Frustrated, he cried even louder.

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This forced mommy dog to stand up and go over the crying puppy.

She settled close to him and allowed him to have his meal. At that point, the other puppies woke up and decided they needed mommy dog, too.

She was so patient and gentle.

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She stayed still and allowed all the puppies to enjoy their meal. After getting full, they probably ended up napping for the next few hours.

The video has over 1 million views and everyone who has seen it has nothing but good things to say.

One of the viewers said:

“Awwww. Heart is a pile of moosh. Totally melted. I love how she decides to change position and lie down next to the 1 that was lost; makes the other dozen ones move, but hey, priorities.”

Another one said:

“Nature at it’s finest. Humans haven’t even mastered this. Amazing video and incredible mother.”

A viewer even compared the puppy’s behavior to a baby:

“Notice she was in the other room trying to get some shut eye, lol. Every parent knows that feeling. This is the equivalent of the baby waking up at 2am so you have to go in there and lay with it.”

Puppies take about 6 to 8 weeks before they can be completely weaned from the mother. They need to have about four meals a day to ensure that they grow properly and thrive. As the weaning process starts, the puppies can be given clean water and transitioned to high-quality solid foods.

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Source: YouTube, Animal Channel
