Crowd laps up men’s hilariously unique synchronized “swim” routine with no water

YouTube viewers had no idea how they ended up watching it, but they were certainly glad they stumbled upon this hilarious sketch from 2013.

“I have ended up in that weird part of YouTube again…. and I’m loving every second of it!” was a common refrain.

Uploaded by a user known only as “Sam,” the clip shows 7 young British men engaged in a “synchronized swimming” routine. The only catch? There’s no water.

As the men strut out in towels and swim caps, the audience hoots and hollers – and you can hear a few giggles as well. After all, this is bound to be interesting on dry land.

Screenshot via Sam/YouTube Source: Screenshot via Sam/YouTube

Then, one by one, the men strip off their towels to reveal Speedos!

With AndrĂ© Rieu’s “Radetzky Marsch, Op. 228” playing in the background, the audience is probably wondering what exactly they signed up for.

They’re really showing some skin!

Screenshot via Sam/YouTube Source: Screenshot via Sam/YouTube

Things get even wilder when the men jump behind a sheet (hopefully landing on something soft!) meant to act as their “ocean.”

Despite the low-budget performance, it totally works.

Screenshot via Sam/YouTube Source: Screenshot via Sam/YouTube

Now it’s time for our “swim team” to show the audience what they’ve really got.

Their toes come up from behind the “water” as they wiggle their feet back and forth in relative unison.

As our performers pull off a number of less-than-elegant maneuvers, it’s worth turning up the volume just to hear the crowd’s reaction. Some people really have great laughs!

“I’m more entertained by the laughing from the audience than the performance,” said one commenter.

Screenshot via Sam/YouTube Source: Screenshot via Sam/YouTube

There’s no doubt everyone in the auditorium is having a great time at this talent show.

A lift and spin with a “swimmer” held up high gets a huge reaction – and we don’t know how these guys keep a straight face.

Screenshot via Sam/YouTube Source: Screenshot via Sam/YouTube

But now it’s time for a little something different a bit more than halfway through the performance. The music changes.

The balletic moves are replaced by a tiny plastic shark. Uh oh!

Screenshot via Sam/YouTube Source: Screenshot via Sam/YouTube

It this all seems silly, keep in mind this viral video has nearly 2 million views on YouTube!

As one swimmer is felled by the creature, two more “dive in” after him as the theme from Jaws plays in the background.

Screenshot via Sam/YouTube Source: Screenshot via Sam/YouTube

And if you don’t think it sounds funny, you’ll still find the audience’s laughter absolutely contagious.

Some commenters couldn’t even put their finger on why they were so amused by it all, despite the fact that they loved watching it.

Why did I just do myself some serious damage laughing watching this? A group of guys, a plastic sheet and some gym mats. Could someone please explain?”

As the brave rescuers fight off the shark attack, the routine goes from synchronized dancing to pure comedy.

Screenshot via Sam/YouTube Source: Screenshot via Sam/YouTube

As the gentlemen dive off the stage to the Baywatch theme song, they leave behind a very entertained audience.

“I was laughing so hard I was crying. That was hilarious!” said one of the nearly 300 commenters on the video.

While we don’t know the circumstances surrounding the performance nor anything about the performers themselves, we certainly hope that was the final skit of the night because that would certainly be one tough act to follow!

Be sure to scroll down below to see the unique performance for yourself.

Please SHARE this with your friends and family.

Source: Sam via YouTube
