Taco Bell employee’s kind response to confused deaf man goes viral
About one in eight people experience hearing loss in both ears. Two percent of adults who are 45 to 54 years old struggle with disabling hearing loss.
One customer at Taco had difficulties communicating his order because of his disability.
He stood in line, feeling lost and confused. He found very little help and that made things a bit harder for him.
Fortunately, one of its employees stepped in.
18-year-old Caleb Francis was working his day shift when it happened. Seeing how the man struggled, he reached out to help.
In an interview with News 5, he shared:
“He wanted a side of salsa and sour cream but he didn’t know how to order a side of salsa and sour cream, and then we just kind of started communicating through that.”
Caleb took two years of sign language.
Even though he didn’t have any idea when he’d be able to use it, he still took it. He just wanted to try something different.
“I didn’t want to take art, I didn’t want to take ceramics…everyone I know here takes Spanish, French, my dad speaks French,” Caleb said.
The young man’s kind action didn’t go unnoticed.
There was a customer in line who saw what happened. He was so impressed with Caleb’s kindness that he decided to take a video of what happened. He posted it on social media and from there, it easily went viral.
Caleb’s manager was one of the people who heard about what happened.
In the same interview, Jimmy Dickens said:
“When I saw the video I was very happy, and very proud…it’s exactly what Caleb would do. He’s just so super with customers.”
Caleb’s manager isn’t the only one impressed with his kindness.
People on the internet think he’s an awesome person for helping the customer, too.
One YouTube viewer said:
“What’s so cool about this young man is his modesty. He seems genuinely surprised that this video was even recorded, let alone went viral, and that people were noticing. In his mind, he simply felt privileged to have a chance to use his sign language skills, but he didn’t realize that his professionalism, kindness, and patience would not go unnoticed. The world needs more true winners like this guy. I know this video is kinda old now, so I hope that he’s found his niche and that he is continually being appreciated.”
He has grown to love the language.
Not all people find sign language interesting. A lot of them would rather learn how to speak Korean, Spanish, Russian, or French.
For Caleb, there’s something exciting about sign language.
He shared:
“I think the biggest misconception about this is people say oh you probably made his day like so much easier and all that stuff…but what people don’t understand is it’s just exciting for me to get to sign to people as it is for anybody else…so when someone says oh I sign, it’s like Oh!, it’s just so exciting to me.”
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Source: YouTube-News 5 Cleveland, News 5 Cleveland