Crow with thick accent asks “Y’alright, love” to anyhow who comes by

So far many of us believed that it is only parrots that can talk. But this is not really the case.

Unsplash - Dušan veverkolog Source: Unsplash - Dušan veverkolog

You see, there are also other kinds of animals that have the ability to talk. Budgerigars, parrots, parakeets, and blue-fronted amazons are some of them, as well as crows.

Yes, you read that correctly. Although parrots can “talk and mimic human voices pretty flawlessly”, as experts explain, crows can use their syrinx to “mimic words and sounds they hear and repeat them”, although they cannot do it at well as parrots do.

Unsplash - Kasturi Roy Source: Unsplash - Kasturi Roy

Still, they do have the ability to talk and they are super intelligent creatures.

They can use tools, they can recognize faces, and it seems they can even understand physics.

And, while they have been associated with death omens in some cultures, the beautiful birds have nothing scary about them.

Unsplash - Kevin Mueller Source: Unsplash - Kevin Mueller

In fact, some of them can be as kind as one can imagine.

Like this crow who lives in North Yorkshire, around Knaresborough Castle.

The cute little bird seems to really care about the people passing by, and he sometimes asks them if they are alright.

YouTube - Vanakkam Malaysia Source: YouTube - Vanakkam Malaysia

“Y’alright love?” the crow asks passers-by. He doesn’t always get an answer, but he has definitely made a name for himself in the neighborhood.

Lisa and Mark Brooks were two of those who have had a chat with the talking crow.

They were on a trip in North Yorkshire, visiting Knaresborough Castle, when they heard the crow talking to them in a characteristic North Yorkshire accent.

Unsplash - Tom Maclean Source: Unsplash - Tom Maclean

They were shocked initially, but then they realized it was quite funny and definitely interesting, so they captured it on video.

When Lisa asked the bird how he was doing, he replied: “I’m alright, I’m alright, I’m alright”. Pretty amazing, right?

But the couple was not the only one who had an encounter with the crow public.

YouTube - Vanakkam Malaysia Source: YouTube - Vanakkam Malaysia

Triplets Ann, Clair and Britt Chadwick, all 44 years old, in the summer of 2018 also came across the same bird.

They were having lunch close to the bird and he approached them, asking if they were alright.

“We were actually busy eating our sandwiches, probably a bit flat from work, when it just piped up: ‘are you alright, love?’ I kind of did a double take, then we spoke back to it and it kept repeating that phrase,” they told the Independent.

YouTube - Vanakkam Malaysia Source: YouTube - Vanakkam Malaysia

The crow, which seems to be coming from Africa, has become a local celebrity.

Honestly, who wouldn’t love to have a chat with him?

Ann shared that there is also another crow that asks people “What are you looking at?” every time someone tries to take a photo of it.

YouTube users have also loved the video in which he talks to people.

YouTube - Vanakkam Malaysia Source: YouTube - Vanakkam Malaysia

“Brilliant, made me laugh,” someone wrote, while someone else commented: “woow very funny”.

It would make our day to have a bird ask how we’re doing!

You can watch this amazing crow in action below!

Please SHARE this with your friends and family.

Source: YouTube – Vanakkam Malaysia, Independent, Birds Advice
