Teacher offers to take in her former student whose mother recently passed

When Jean Manning found out that she had breast cancer, her entire world collapsed.

Then, she found out that her cancer had already metastasized in her brain. It was terminal.

As a single mother to a wonderful boy with Down syndrome, Jean wanted to fight and live.

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She wanted to live for her son. She wanted to be there to take care of him.

Can you imagine the thoughts that had been running through her head every single day?

Then, one day, she received a call. It was her son’s former special education teacher, Kerry Bremer.

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Kerry met Jean’s son, Jake Manning, and she became her special education teacher, there was an instant connection between her and the adorable boy.

She even described Jake as a ‘dynamic’ young boy.

Kerry knew about Jean’s condition. She was also a mother, and she knew Jean was worried about her son.

She also knew that Jean had supportive relatives. However, they could not take care of Jake if Jean passes away.

Kerry talked to her husband that she had a plan. Her husband gave his approval and that’s when Kerry phoned Jean.

“I called her and I said, I could really be overstepping the boundaries here, but I just want to let you know that if you need a backup plan for Jake, my family and I are willing to offer guardianship,” Kerry said to WCVB.

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Those words were all that Jean wanted to hear.

“And she said, ‘I am going to sleep better tonight than I have in a long time.’” Kerry recalled. “Her biggest fear was what would happen to Jake after she passed.”

It was that moment when Jean felt at ease.

She knew if the time came to say goodbye to her beautiful boy, she would not worry about him because he would be safe.

He will have a family that will take care of him.

For the next few years, Jake spent more time with Kerry and her family. They bonded, and they wanted Jake to feel at home with them.

Dave, Kerry’s husband, adored the young boy who’s full of love.

“When I first met him when he was in Kerry’s class, it was fun,” Dave Bremer said in his interview. “But when we first decided to do this and I met him again, he said: ‘You’re the dad? You’re Dave the dad?’ That was it for a very long time. I was Dave the dad.”

The whole Bremer family accepted Jake as the new member of the family.

Jean was a strong woman. The two mothers worked together so that Jake would transition from one family to the other.

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On November 13, Jean woke up and put her son on his bus that morning. Then, she attended her chemotherapy treatment session and went straight home.

She took a nap, and she never woke up.

Surprisingly, Jake handled his mother’s passing well.

“He says she’s in heaven with God and with his aunts. He knows that he won’t see her again. He knows that his new home is with us,” Kerry said. “He calls her his Queen Angel Mom.”

Kerry and Dave Bremer were named Jake’s legal guardians the following year. There is also an active GoFundMe account to help support Jake.

Jake is now with the Bremers and is living a happy life.

Please SHARE this with your friends and family.

Source: GoFundMe, WCVB, CNN, Kerry Petkewich Bremer
