Teacher saves pennies for 45 years leaving bank tellers in disbelief when he shows up to cash in

Many people enjoy collecting things because some of them could be worth something someday.

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Others like to look for or buy collectorā€™s items dating many years back, and completing an entire set may be worth a fortune when you pawn or auction.

Some also like to buy novelty items hoping theyā€™re worth something as the years pass.

Whether our collections would earn us something or not, itā€™s the satisfaction that always makes it fun.

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Itā€™s so satisfying to start collecting something (like stamps or seashells from your vacations) and see it grow.

Maybe weā€™ll let go of them someday; maybe not. But the journey is something we could hold on to eventually.

This man in Louisiana collected something thatā€™s obviously worth something ā€“ pennies.

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Otha Anders from Ruston, Louisiana, started collecting coins between the late 60s and early 70s.

He kept them in 5-gallon water jars; his first goal was to fill five jars.

As he continued with his collection, he found such satisfaction that he never stopped doing it, even as he hit his target.

Forty-five years later, he had fifteen jars of pennies.

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Some might think it took him too long to collect all these coins, especially since itā€™s easy to accomplish that if you ask for it or if people offer you their loose change.

However, Otha never once received a single coin from his family or friends.

Otha used to work as a teacher, and even the kids in school wanted to help.

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The students knew he was collecting pennies and would often give him some, but he always refused.

For one, he didnā€™t want to owe something to people just because they knew he was collecting them.

And because collecting them meant something more to him.

For in every penny he found was a reminder of his faith.

ā€œIf I would see a penny when Iā€™m gassing up, on the ground, or in a store, it would be a reminder to stop right there and say a prayer. I never failed to do that. Thatā€™s why they had so much value to me,ā€ he told ABC.

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Otha also said that on days he forgot to pray, he would often find a penny somewhere and be reminded to say a little prayer.

For him, it was his journey with God and his faith which was the most satisfying part.

After 45 years, Otha finally decided to cash them in.

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He called the Origin Bank a week before he went there and told them he was cashing in jars of pennies.

The bankā€™s Senior Vice President, Ryan Kilpatrick, said he did not expect to see all those jars carried in.

After five hours of counting and processing, Otha gathered $5,136 worth of pennies in 45 years.

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His collection comprised 500,000 coins and an estimated 2,800 pounds total.

He said he would use the money for his dental bill, but cashing in all the collected coins didnā€™t mean it was the end of his collection.

Otha said he still found joy in collecting those pennies and might continue doing so.

Watch his story in the video below and see how many coins he collected in 45 years!

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Source: Kray K News YouTube Channel, ABC
