Teen builds his own 89-square-foot tiny home in his parent's backyard for only $1,500

Moving out of our parent’s home is always a milestone every teen is looking forward to.

YouTube - Luke Thill Source: YouTube - Luke Thill

Finding your own space is a challenge, but teens are always excited about this new chapter in their lives. Once they turn 18, you could easily expect them to want to move out of their parent’s home and get a place they can call their own.

However, one 13-year-old from Iowa is ready to have his “starter home” and even created a tiny home for himself in his folk’s backyard. What he did to the small area was quite interesting and he is not even in senior high school!

YouTube - Luke Thill Source: YouTube - Luke Thill

Luke Thill plans to have his own mobile home when he finally goes to college.

Financial reasons are what mostly motivate the young man to make a home for himself. He wanted a house that is minimalist so he could save some money for his college education.

YouTube - Luke Thill Source: YouTube - Luke Thill

Since he is still too young to move out, Luke decided to make a tiny home that he can live in that is within his parent’s backyard.

“I was just on YouTube looking around and came across a tiny house idea and then that spiraled into looking at almost every YouTube video there is, it felt like,” he told ABC News. “I got obsessed with them and decided to build my own.”

He used reclaimed materials and spent a total of only $1,500 to complete his cute and comfy home.

Luke grabbed all the materials he can get for a lesser cost. He took the leftover siding from his grandma’s house, and his uncle’s friend gave him several doors and windows.
YouTube - Luke Thill Source: YouTube - Luke Thill
His dad, Greg, guided him in completing his project while his mom, Angie, helped him furnish his home internally. Even his twin sister and his brother helped out so he can finish his small abode.

While completing his home, Luke learned a lot of things related to building a house.

He found out how it is to frame and wire and other things that need to be done to complete the home. He also had to make major decisions financially and he found out how to negotiate for lower labor costs.

YouTube - Luke Thill Source: YouTube - Luke Thill

His family may have helped him in finishing his project but most of the tasks were done by Luke. His dad saw this as a great opportunity to learn new things in life.

“It was a chance for a kid to do something more than play video games or sports,” Greg Thill said. “It teaches life lessons.”

To save money, Luke even cleaned an electrician’s garage in exchange for assistance in wiring his tiny home.

YouTube - Luke Thill Source: YouTube - Luke Thill

He also mowed in apartment buildings owned by a local Scout leader so he can get the man’s help installing carpet in his home. Luke learned a lot of things and truly realized the value of hard work and patience.

YouTube - Luke Thill Source: YouTube - Luke Thill

After all of his efforts, Luke was able to make a small home habitable with a wall-mounted TV, a tiny seating area, a sleeping loft, and a fold-up dining table. He also has a mini-refrigerator inside his small abode.

The home Luke created is not fully habitable because there is no plumbing but it is fairly decent and nice to stay in considering a young person built it from scratch.

Check out the home Luke built by watching the video below.

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Source: Positive Outlooks, Facebook – Luke Thill, Luke Thill, ABC News
