Buffalo teen takes to the streets to clean up after protests and is gifted a scholarship and a car

The city of Buffalo, New York has been in the news recently for all the wrong reasons. But amongst the stories of police brutality, one man stood out for bravely leaving his home in order to make his city a better place.

Bailey Avenue in Buffalo isn’t exactly what you would call “scenic,” but 18-year-old Antonio Gwynn Jr. couldn’t bear the sight of protestors laying waste to it on Facebook Live.

Screenshot via WKBW TV/YouTube Source: Screenshot via WKBW TV/YouTube

Full of hometown pride, the young black man – who could have easily been harassed for being out at 2 am – gathered a broom and trash bags and started sweeping anyway.

He knew people needed that road to get to work in the morning.

Neither the police nor road crews were out cleaning up the trash and broken glass.

Screenshot via WKBW TV/YouTube Source: Screenshot via WKBW TV/YouTube

From 2 am Monday morning until noon, Gwynn spent 10 straight hours cleaning up.

Screenshot via WKBW TV/YouTube Source: Screenshot via WKBW TV/YouTube

Other neighbors had already arranged to get out and take care of their neighborhood the following day, but by the time they got there in the late morning, Gwynn had already done most of the work singlehandedly.

Screenshot via WKBW TV/YouTube Source: Screenshot via WKBW TV/YouTube

People around the city smiled as Gwynn was interviewed on the news standing up for his neighborhood and his city.

Screenshot via WKBW TV/YouTube Source: Screenshot via WKBW TV/YouTube

The young man, whose mother died in 2018, was about to graduate from the area’s Hutch Tech high school and go on to trade school while he saved up for college. But after seeing his good deed on the news, the community came through to reward him for his selfless deed.

The first person to step up and reward the young man was Matt Block. The 27-year-old was struggling with whether or not to sell the dream car he rarely used – a 2004 red Mustang convertible.

After noticing Gwynn asking for car-buying advice on Facebook, he decided to gift the vehicle to the teen!

Screenshot via WKBW TV/YouTube Source: Screenshot via WKBW TV/YouTube

The gift was not only wildly generous but almost seemed like a sign to Gwynn – his mother had driven a red Mustang before her death.

Block said the coincidence gave him “goosebumps.”

Gwynn was speechless at the generosity – but it wasn’t the last he would see from thankful city residents.

When a man named Bob Briceland learned of the teen’s deed and Block’s gift, he stepped in to make the whole exchange easier by offering 3 years of free auto insurance through his agency.

Screenshot via WKBW TV/YouTube Source: Screenshot via WKBW TV/YouTube

“I just felt compelled to help him out. We just need to get together our whole city and show people how there’s so many good people here,” Briceland told WKBW News.

The next offer came from Medaille College in Buffalo, which offered the teen a full scholarship!

Now, rather than waiting to save money while attending technical school, he will be off to college and majoring in business this coming Fall.

Screenshot via WKBW TV/YouTube Source: Screenshot via WKBW TV/YouTube

It’s no surprise that the young man has a history of good deeds and volunteer work. But what he did this month went above and beyond – he put his city over himself.

And that city paid him back as best it could.

Gwynn is understandable thankful for all of the well-wishes and gifts.

“I appreciate everything everyone is doing for me,” he said.

Be sure to scroll down below to see an interview with Gwynn about his good deed.

Please SHARE this with your friends and family.

Source: WKBW TV – Buffalo, New York via YouTube, CNN, WKBW News
