Homeless teen gets new lease on life – is named valedictorian, earning over $3M in scholarships

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Tupac Mosley has been through things that no child should have to face. Despite these difficulties, he has managed to pursue his dream.

CBS Philly/YouTube Source: CBS Philly/YouTube

The last few years have been incredibly tough for Tupac Mosley. In 2018, he lost his father to an illness. His mother then struggled to keep up on rent and bill payments. By the end of the year, Mosley and his entire family were out on the streets.

Things were so bad for the family members that they had to spend some time living in a tent in the middle of Memphis.

Pixabay Source: Pixabay

It was a terrible situation for anyone to be in. The family eventually found a shelter that could take them in, but the trauma really threatened to get in the way of Mosley’s studies.

Mosley was in high school and determined to make something of his life. Every day, he would stay late in libraries, studying. Sometimes, his mom needed help. But he was able to balance his study with his family life.

Luckily, a charity named For The Kingdom stepped in to help him out.

For The Kingdom gives hope to children in Tennessee “through life-changing experiences.” They were able to ensure that Mosley could pursue his dream of attending college.

Thanks to the charity’s support, Mosley believed that he could raise $1 million in scholarship money, if he got the right grades.

But he would outperform the hopes and visions of everyone. In the end, he ended up graduating at the top of his class. He had a grade point average of 4.3. He was also able to earn $3 million in scholarships.

CBS Philly/YouTube Source: CBS Philly/YouTube

Mosley was amazed that he could amass so much money for his education. His family had been struggling financially for his entire life. But now, thanks to his hard work, he would have no financial worries for the entirety of his college years.

And thanks to his incredible grades, over 40 colleges wanted to accept Mosley into their courses. Things had looked bleak for Mosley so recently, but now he had been given the choice to study anywhere in the world.

In the end, Mosley decided to study close to home so that he could remain in contact with his family. He is now enrolled in Tennessee State University, majoring in electrical engineering.

Mosley’s story appeared on YouTube shortly after he picked Tennessee State University as his college of choice. The video soon received a range of supportive comments. People have been saying things like this:

CBS Philly/YouTube Source: CBS Philly/YouTube

And Mosley is an incredibly modest individual.

When people heard about his story, he appeared on CNN, where the reporter asked him how it felt to be considered inspirational to so many people. He responded with this:

“It’s honestly an honor and a blessing that I was the individual who could inspire others.”

Mosley also spent a lengthy portion of his CNN interview thanking the “people in school, my family members, my friends,” who had helped him get to where he was.

Who knows what Mosley could go on to achieve?

He appears to have no political aspirations right now, but it’s easy to watch a video of Mosley and think that he’d be an amazing future president of the United States!

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Source: CBS Philly
