Teen gets huge surprise after inviting her classmate with Down syndrome to homecoming


High school life will never be complete without the homecoming dance.

All students are looking forward to this day, and everyone is preparing to look their best and have a date on such a special day.

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For Daniel Rivas, a teen from Las Vegas, going to the dance with a date in his arms is a dream come true. However, making this dream a reality seemed impossible.

Daniel, a teen with Down syndrome, could not get a date for the homecoming dance at his school.

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The young man found the courage to ask a girl to be his date for the dance, but unfortunately he was rejected. However, another girl stepped in and saved the day.

Kylie Fronius is Daniel’s classmate. When she learned about her classmate being rejected, she decided to step up and be kind. She approached Daniel and asked him to be her date for homecoming.

“I don’t think of kids that have a disability as being different,” she told Fox5 Las Vegas. “I think of them just being a normal person learning in a different way.”

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Kylie’s act of kindness did not go unnoticed.

Daniel’s mom, Tonya, was moved and surprised by the young lady’s kind gesture. She was in tears as she shares how glad she was that her son felt included because Kylie saw him beyond his disability.

“It’s not about that Daniel has a disability,” she said. “It’s Kylie didn’t see any disability. That is what your heart wants as a mom.”

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Not long after, the rest of the world learned about Kylie’s kindness and her simple but meaningful gesture that made her classmate happy.

Unbeknownst to Kylie, the Fox5 Las Vegas Surprise Squad made plans to surprise the teens on the day of their homecoming dance!

Celebrities and significant personalities even commended Kylie’s act of kindness.

“All you had to do was watch the news story you [Fox] aired, and you just saw a young lady with a huge heart, and she was inspirational,” said Don Foreman of United Nissan.

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On the night of their dance, Daniel and Kylie were given a very special treat.

They met Monica Jackson, the Fox5 Surprise Squad host, waiting for them. She shared how their story had touched tons of people.

She led the couple to their elegant dinner date before going to the school for their dance. In the local restaurant, Daniel and Kylie were given sumptuous food and good company.

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Daniel’s mom, Tonya, could not believe that she would ever be invited to such a high-class place. Her happiness was overflowing and she broke into tears out of so much joy for the gifts that they had received.

This was just the beginning of all the incredible surprises that night.

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After dinner, the couple went to the school for the dance and were shocked at the beautiful red carpet entrance waiting for them. Wow!

Daniel and Kylie went to the dance and enjoyed each other’s company. They danced and had fun until Monica interrupted them to serve another wonderful surprise.

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Are you curious to find out what gifts they received?

Watch the video below and find out why it has gone viral with over 7.1 million views on YouTube!

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Source: Fox5 Las Vegas, Upworthy
