Teen praised after turning in $135,000 he found next to an ATM

Some stories force us to honestly look inside ourselves and see what we would do in a given situation. Would we act like the good guy or the villain? Well, in this situation, most of us wouldn’t do the right thing!

José Nuñez Romaniz is a teen from Alburquerque, New Mexico who did the right thing.

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While out and about one day, José walked past an ATM and saw a bag sitting nearby. Going to investigate, he found a clear bag stuffed with $135,000!

While many would have seen it as a “blessing”, JosĂ© knew what he needed to do.

Calling the number on the ATM and then the police, he waited around for the proper people to show up. It turns out, the bag was left by the contractor who refills the ATM’s with cash. He had forgotten his bag and drove off!

In a situation like this, JosĂ© did what many people wouldn’t have.

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In the heat of the moment, many people wouldn’t stop to think about the details of the situation. If a bank loses $135,000, they are going to find out where it went. If someone would have taken it, it wouldn’t have been long before they got caught.

Walking around with a clear bag full of money may not have been smart either.

I don’t know where you may live, but walking the streets with a clear bag filled with 135k isn’t a wise thing to do if you value your life! This teen could have gotten into some serious trouble if he chose wrong!

I know what you are thinking…

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Is it possible that the story we were told of the “contractor who forgot his bag” is false and this is really a real-life Breaking Bad episode? Well, not confirming or denying anything but things seem to add up. This kid may have actually stopped a national drug lord.

What allowed this kid to make the right decision?

José, when asked about why he chose to turn in the money, said:

“In the back of my head, I was just thinking about my parents, especially my mom. What she would do if I came home with the money and
 what she would do with her chancla [a flip-flop] to hit me.”

It was the fear of a beating!

It seems like José was spared from the chancla!

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More than just bring spared, he got some national attention. The mayor said:

“Man, we all know that temptation
 Even just to take a little, just one of those bundles off the top! I mean that had to be really hard.” -Tim Keller

The police chief also chimed in:

“What a great opportunity for us to see some good in the community with all the tragedies we see with young people, this really restores our faith in the community as well.” -Mike Geier

José received a prize for turning the money in, too!

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Getting a reward of $500 and a gift card, JosĂ©’ good deed seems to have paid off handsomely.

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Source: Newsner. Shareably
