Students laugh watching teen get rejected before dance then he sees 13 girls with signs

Asking a date to Homecoming is a stressful situation for anyone. The fear of rejection can be too much for many to take.

Sometimes friends will tell each other “The worst thing that can happen is they say no” as a way to help motivate a shy person to finally ask out their crush.

Unfortunately, one high school student learned that a lot worse can happen than someone simply declining the invitation.

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Student’s Homecoming rejection goes viral

Imagine spending hours working up the courage to finally ask out your secret crush.

Then imagine your secret crush rejects you and a video of the moment is viewed by thousands of people on social media.

That’s what happened to a Louisiana high school student named Dakota Nelton when he asked out a girl he liked during his sophomore year.

It was his first time ever asking a girl out. To say it didn’t go well would be an understatement.

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Dakota gets rejected

Getting rejected happens to everyone but this moment was a fair bit worse than most.

Dakota had taken the time to create a poster with his Homecoming invitation printed on it. His prospective date simply shook her head to say ‘no.’

“It was actually a pretty tough moment standing in a small circle with that one shake of the head and you just got to find your way out of that circle. It’s hesitating,” Dakota said to WGNO.

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Fellow classmates mocked him and ruined the poster he made

Teenagers can sometimes be jerks. It’s true. That is why we don’t let them vote, drink, or make many life choices for themselves.

Some of the jerks that Dakota goes to school with laughed at him for being rejected.

A video of the moment was published on Facebook and garnered thousands of views before finally being taken down.

Imagine Dakota having to walk the hallways knowing so many of his peers saw him in such a vulnerable moment.

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Dakota gets asked out to Homecoming

Not everyone who watched the video laughed at Dakota.

A group of teenage girls, kinder than their peers, decided they were going to do something nice for Dakota and make him realize there are plenty of girls who would be happy to go to Homecoming as his date.

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13 Girls ask Dakota to Homecoming

No matter your gender, most people are just looking for a nice person they enjoy spending time with as a partner or date.

When Alyssa Buckley and a group of her peers saw what happened to Dakota, they wanted to show him he was “loved and worthy, and deserves to be going to Homecoming with somebody.”

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One day, as Dakota was walking through the hallway, he was stopped by Buckley and 13 other girls who each had a poster asking him to be their date.

Everyone gets rejected but this is quite possibly the first time anyone has been asked to Homecoming by 13 people simultaneously.

“Were going to make sure he dances, like were going to make sure he is on the dance floor dancing,” Buckley said.

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The group all held up their posters and did everything they could to fill Dakota’s heart with love after it had been trampled on in such a public fashion.

Not every girl is going to break your heart and humiliate you, Dakota, and that’s what these 13 wonderful high school students wanted to show you.

“I felt like one of the popular kids in school which I’m really not,” Dakota says.

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Learn more about this heartwarming gesture in the video below!

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Source: YouTube – WGNO-TV / ABC26 / WNOL38, WGNO
