Teen fearlessly jumps into water to save 3 girls and a police officer from drowning in river


On a July Fourth weekend, three girls plunged into a river and were drowning inches by inches. Luckily, a teenage guy was there to save them.

Being the right person at the right moment and at the right time.

When 16-year-old Corion Evans saw three girls helplessly trying to stay above water asking for help, he didn’t think twice and saved them.

According to the police investigation, the three girls were inside a vehicle that drove off a boat ramp into the Pascagoula River in Moss Point, Mississippi. The vehicle went straight off and plunged into the river.

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“The driver of that vehicle stated she was following her GPS and did not realize she was going into the water,” said the Moss Point Police Department in a statement.

Because of its speed, the vehicle accelerated and traveled 20 feet away from the shore. The car then started sinking and with it were the three girls inside.

Born to help!

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No cape or superpowers were needed for the teenager, when he saw the whole thing happening, he immediately swam into action. Corion ran in a flash, took his shirt and shoes off, tossed his mobile phone, and jumped into the freezing river.

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His thoughts were clear from any pressure and he heard all the girls screaming for help right at that crucial moment.

The 16-year-old hero told WLOX, “I was just like, ‘I can’t let none of these folks die. They need to get out of the water. So, I just started getting them. I wasn’t even thinking about nothing else.”

As fate would have it, the teenage savior is well prepared for such an incident because he’s been swimming since he was still a toddler, 3 years old to be specific. Another friend of Corion, Karon ″KJ″ Bradley was also there with him in the scene, he too didn’t hesitate to jump into the water to help.

“I was behind them trying to keep them above water and swim with them at the same time,” Corion said while explaining how he managed to get the girls to safety.

More rescues coming.

Moss Point Police Officer Gary Mercer arrived and tried giving Corion and KJ a helping hand, however, something terrible happened. When Corion looked at him, the officer was also drowning.

“I turned around. I see the police officer. He’s drowning. He’s going underwater, drowning, saying, ‘Help!’” Corion said.

He then rushed to the officer, grabbed him, and made sure he was above the water so he could breathe. It was a 25-yard non-stop swimming and it was sure tiring, but none of those bothered Corion.

Thankfully, all the three girls including Police Officer Mercer were brought back to the shore. They were all taken to the hospital after the breath-taking incident, luckily, all of them were far from any type of danger.

A hero was born.

Because of his undoubted heroism, Moss Point Chief Brandon Ashley commended Corion for saving the girls and the officer. In addition, the city officials of Moss Point also presented Corion with a certificate of commendation for his heroism.

Corion’s mother, Marquita Evans was glad everyone was safe, particularly her son whom she’s very proud of.

“I’m glad nothing happened to him while he was trying to save other people’s lives,” she said. “I was really proud of Corion because he wasn’t just thinking about himself. He was trying to really get all those people out the water.”

Things could’ve gone really bad if it wasn’t because of Corion’s selfless and heroic actions.

Meet capeless hero Corion in the clip below.

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Source: Positive Outlooks, YouTube, WLOX
