Woman’s post goes viral when she thanks 15-year-old neighbor for checking in on her parents

Caring for aging parents is no easy task, especially when kids are old enough to have their own families to care for.

That’s why Tiki Edwards is so grateful to her parents’ teenage neighbor who thoughtfully checks in on them every single day.

Tiki Edwards via Facebook Source: Tiki Edwards via Facebook

She’s not able to be with her parents all the time, and they’ve developed health problems in recent years.

But 15-year-old (at the time) Romemylion Mitchell can always be relied on in case they need anything. He’s not their caretaker, nor is he being paid, he’s just a selfless young man who cares about the people in his neighborhood.

He heads over to their home every day after school to check on them and spend time with the aging couple.

Romemylion Mitchell via Facebook Source: Romemylion Mitchell via Facebook

Last year in July, Edwards decided to thank the teen publicly in the best way she knew how – a Facebook post. People were so touched that the public post went viral and it now has over 109,000 shares.

She began:

“I just want to take a moment and recognize this sweet fella that lives across the street from my parents. He checks on them every day and has grown to love and care for them deeply.”

And Mitchell does more than that – he’s also happy to do other things like take her dad to the store as well as lend a hand around the house and yard.

“He rides with Dad to the store, helps him shop and brings the groceries in.. he cuts the grass and whatever they may need. Not many 15 yr olds would take the time to care and be there for elderly neighbors.”

Tik Edwards via Facebook Source: Tik Edwards via Facebook

It’s true. Not many 15-year-olds would do it. But acts like these are the ones that allow the elderly the freedom to stay in their homes longer – something the couple and their children are no doubt grateful for.

Over time, Mitchell has grown very close to the elderly couple and their children.

Cianne E. Joyner via Facebook Source: Cianne E. Joyner via Facebook

He’s now considered a part of the family.

And he might as well be – he certainly spends plenty of time with them!

Mitchell was clearly shaken when Edwards’ mother Cianne ended up in the hospital a while back. The young man rushed over to visit her the minute she returned home.

That’s part of what spurred the daughter’s emotional post.

Tiki Edwards via Facebook Source: Tiki Edwards via Facebook

She said:

“When he saw Mom today he busted out crying and just held her tight.. what a blessing and just wanted to pass on something heartwarming instead of the sad news we see and hear every day.”

Thousands of commenters praised the young man’s actions:

“His village raised him right! What a blessing to those around him! May he be an example to follow!”

Tiki Edwards via Facebook Source: Tiki Edwards via Facebook

Others were reminded that there really are still good people out there.

“This is truly one special young man! We def need more people like this in the world and this post needs to go viral to show that there is humanity and faith in people!”

And credit went to his parents for raising such a kind young man.

“Good job young man. I’m sure you were brought up right by your parents. Thank you.”

Mitchell has done a great thing for this family and he deserves all the kind attention he’s getting – and then some.

Be sure to scroll down below to see Edwards’ original Facebook post and the thousands of thoughtful comments it inspired.

Please SHARE this with your friends and family.

Source: Tiki Edwards via Facebook, Cianne E. Joyner via Facebook
