Teenager makes see-through face masks so deaf people can still read lips

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When this teenager could find no existing solutions for her problem, she decided to create her own solution.

We’ve all had our lives restricted due to coronavirus precautions. Some people face difficulties that aren’t apparent to most. For instance, requiring the wearing of face masks is important. But it stops deaf people from being able to read lips.

Philippine News Agency/Wikimedia Source: Philippine News Agency/Wikimedia

17-year-old Isabella Appell didn’t consider this issue, until she tried to talk to her deaf friend while wearing a face mask. She then looked in a range of deaf community Facebook groups and realized that people all over the world were dealing with this problem. When this happened, she realized that she had to find a solution.

Appell looked online to see if she could get some masks that were seethrough around the lips and was shocked to find nothing.

CBS Los Angeles/YouTube Source: CBS Los Angeles/YouTube

She had been making her own masks. These had been pretty typical. But now she realized that she had an opportunity to help deaf people like her friend.

So she bought clear vinyl and started stitching these into holes in the center of the masks.

CBS Los Angeles/YouTube Source: CBS Los Angeles/YouTube

Appell and her friend were impressed with these masks. Pretty soon, Appell started giving them away. But she decided that it would be wrong for her to profit off of them. Instead of buying the masks, people can leave a donation to The Hearing Aid Project. The Hearing Aid Project gives hearing aids to people who cannot afford them.

The teenager has been using her time in lockdown to make as many masks as she can. She has reached out to people, asking for material donations.

CBS Los Angeles/YouTube Source: CBS Los Angeles/YouTube

“I would just like to raise as much money as I possibly can for the hearing aid project. Ultimately, my goal would be to expand this organization to anyone who would like to help.” – Isabella Appell.

Appell may not be earning money from this project. But instead, she is being rewarded with stories of the people she has helped.

For instance, in an interview with CBS Los Angeles, she revealed that she had had an email from a deaf first-time mother who was able to deliver her baby with much less stress thanks to Appell’s masks.

Since Appell’s appearance on CBS Los Angeles and a range of other news networks, demand for her masks has skyrocketed.

She has been able to help so many people. She has also raised tens of thousands of dollars for The Hearing Aid Project.

It’s amazing to think that Appell is helping the deaf not just through making these masks but also by giving the money raised to a hearing aid charity.

Some people like to moan about how lazy teenagers are. But teens like Appell show that this isn’t at all true.

She is using the current downtime to correct an issue that many hadn’t even considered. Not only that, but she is using the money from that to help the issue in a whole other way.

Get a seethrough face mask and leave a donation to The Hearing Aid Project at Talking-masks.com

Please SHARE this with your friends and family.

Source: CBS Los Angeles, Talking Masks, CBS Los Angeles, Little Things
