Teens’ optical illusion dance in tights has the entire audience cracking up

Be sure to reach the end of this article to see the full video!

From the moment they shuffled on stage, the teens behind this dance routine knew that they’d wowed the audience. And it only got better from there.

Anyone who has ever been to a school talent show knows that the quality of the acts can vary from the very good to the horrendously awful.

Flickr Source: Flickr

Of course, the performers are just kids. Yet when an act comes on that’s really amazing, then the whole night is worth it.

The kids in one class had an outstanding idea for their upcoming talent contest. In fact, they thought of a way to perform that would bend the minds of everyone watching.

It all began with the kids shuffling onto the stage. They wore pants with mismatching legs. One leg was red, and the other black. This would be pivotal to the illusion.

As the kids moved out, they all clasped tightly onto one another.

Garaclan/YouTube Source: Garaclan/YouTube

The audience already laughed at the sight of them.

Then the kids, still holding on to one another all stepped forwards at the same time. The effect of the same color legs walking forward at once was crazy. It made all of the people look conjoined.

Garaclan/YouTube Source: Garaclan/YouTube

Then the kids all walked back, making the different color legs move at the same time.

Next, the kids all started doing the can-can.

Garaclan/YouTube Source: Garaclan/YouTube

Then the kids all wiggled around and bent down with their hips.

The kids kept all these dance moves going on a little longer, until the song ended and they all shuffled off the stage again.

The audience gave the kids a huge round of applause.

Luckily, someone was filming this performance, and they uploaded it to YouTube.

The video soon gained popularity on the site. To date, it has had over 350,000 views. It also has 437 likes and a range of comments. People have been saying things like this:

Garaclan/YouTube Source: Garaclan/YouTube
Garaclan/YouTube Source: Garaclan/YouTube

The YouTube user has also uploaded a range of other performances from that school’s talent contest. Another one of them that is popular also relies on optical illusions:

In that video, three students get rolled onto the stage, with a screen hiding most of their bodies, making them appear very small.

Then they dance to a range of well known songs. First up, it’s YMCA by The Village People. They begin this by tapping their little legs to the beat.

When the lyrics start, the kids all raise their heads and look out to the audiences as they point their hands.

Then, when they move to the chorus (you know the moves, where they make the letters with their hands) their little legs go up with them, making the whole room laugh.

Garaclan/YouTube Source: Garaclan/YouTube

The song then changes to Cotton Eyed Joe, I Like To Move It, Hear Comes The Sun and a bunch of other well known songs. The kids manage to dance to them all in ways that make the audience laugh.

Clearly, the kids of this high school have some real creativity!

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Source: garaclan
