Woman can't afford tow truck so teens push her car 5 miles to her home

Three Canadian teens arrived home around 4 a.m., but it wasn’t because they were out partying all night.

It was because they were out helping a stranger.

“We didn’t have anything else to do and we really wanted to help her,” Billy Tarbett, 15, told CBC News.

Tarbett and his friends Bailey Campbell, 17, and Aeron McQuillin,18, decided to push a woman’s car all the way to her house because she couldn’t afford a tow.

After a day of swimming, the teens went over to Tim Horton’s when they saw a smoking car on the side of the highway around 1 a.m.

The teens hopped out of their car and went to talk to the woman and take a look at her car.

They couldn’t get the car started again so they had to push it since the woman couldn’t afford a tow.

They ended up pushing the car down the Merittvile Highway about 6.6. km.

The teens said they blasted music and cracked jokes the whole way.

“We weren’t really thinking of how far it’d be. We were just jamming out,” said Tarbett.

A passerby Dan Morrison offered to drive behind them the entire way to make sure they stayed safe and so he could drive the teens back to their car after they reached the woman’s house.

“Last night I am driving home from work when I see someone stranded in the middle of an intersection with their car smoking. I have been there, and it really sucks. So I slow down, ask if they are alright. This poor lady got this car 6 weeks ago, and it now looks like needs a new engine,” Morrison wrote on Facebook. “So a group of 3 teenagers now stop. Look over the car and help push it into a nearby lot. The owner of the car does not know what to do. She cannot afford a tow, and can’t leave the car there. I then hear “you boys ready for a push?” They couldn’t leave this lady stranded, so these young men pushed a stranger’s car 9 km,”

Morrison encouraged his Facebook followers to share the story about the teens and give them “props.”

“I’d never met these kids in my life,” said Morrison.”Dad mode went into effect and I just wanted to make sure these kids were safe.”

The woman whose car they pushed was extremely grateful.

She even thought the boys were kidding at first when they offered their help.

Their story ended up going viral and people even offered to give the boys gift cards to Tim Horton’s

“We really appreciate it, but we didn’t do this to get free handouts,” said McQuillin. “If I was broken down on the side of the road, I would love for someone to stop and help out.”

The teens said that they hoped that their story would inspire others not to be afraid to help those in need.

“There is so much negativity in the world; people want something positive. When something like this happens, it becomes contagious… Everyone has had car problems and can relate,” said Morrison.

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Source: CBC, CNN
