Meet Theodore – the incredibly destructive German Shepherd whose mom still thinks he’s perfect

In 2018, 32-year-old dog owner Vicky Galbraith shared the story of her dog, Theodore.

The 2-year-old German Shepherd is much-loved and well-treated, and yet he just couldn’t help himself from chewing on everything in sight.

In fact, he’s had ruined hundreds of dollars or property.

Out of control

From furniture to shoes to the back garden, Theodore has defied all training.

But that may be because his mom loves him so much. In fact, she’s managed to find humor in all of it.

Speaking to The Daily Mail in 2018, she said:

“The day when I walked in and his head was stuck in the bin lid was the funniest moment I’ve walked into. He was nosing in the bin and got his head stuck, and then started wearing it around as if it were a fashion accessory. I take the items off him to prevent him from eating them, but sometimes you just can’t help but laugh and take a photo!”

And that’s what we call positive reinforcement.

Facebook - Vicky Galbraith Source: Facebook - Vicky Galbraith

Finding the humor in the situation and snapping a photo is probably just letting Theodore know there are very few consequences for his actions. Then again, dog owners get to make their own choices about how to treat their pups – and Theodore is obviously much loved.

And he’s just so darn cute that it’s hard to be mad at that face.

“At every possible moment Theodore will make a mess – I am convinced he’s more work than a child,” Galbraith said.

Can’t hold him back

Theodore has a crate, but he’s even destructive in his own little home.

“Even when he’s in his crate he will escape and destroy everything, so I’ve had to reinforce his current cage with cable ties so he can’t get out and it keeps him safe.”

And what exactly has the dog destroyed?


“He’s destroyed shoes, slippers, dressing gowns, dog beds, blankets, tea towels, the sofa, cushions, mattresses, doors, skirting boards, and wallpaper. It seems that there’s nothing that he won’t destroy – and he definitely seems chuffed with himself when he’s destroyed something!'”


A menace outside and in

We use the word “menace” in the kindest way possible. And while we know we could never be as patient and good-humored as Galbraith is, we also know that punishment doesn’t truly stop an animal from doing bad things.

Gailbraith told The Daily Mail that Theodore doesn’t just like to tear apart clothing and furniture, he also dabbles in a little creative “gardening.”

He’s dug a knee-deep hole in the back garden, even learning to open the baby gate (meant to keep him at bay) with his teeth so he can come and go as he likes.

But it’s not like he can hide where he’s been with the trail of destruction he leaves behind.

Still, Galbraith says he’s had training – in fact, she’s invested a lot of time in him.

“He’s been fully trained, he just has a mischievous character and loves to make a mess,” she told the UK paper.

Behavior only a mother could love

Theodore’s owner is frustrated, of course, but his behavior is something she’s willing to live with (as well as continue his training for).

“…aside from destroying everything he comes across he’s the most loyal and loving dog ever and I wouldn’t change him for the world!” she said.

Well, it’s her stuff, so who are we to argue?

Be sure to scroll down below to see Theo in action.

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Source: The Daily Mail, Facebook – Vicky Galbraith
