Third grader starts growing vegetables and manages to harvest a 31-pound cabbage

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How have you coped with being cooped up due to coronavirus? This third grader appears to be solving world hunger, with ginormous cabbages.

Sure, 2020 sucks. But there are positives as well as negatives. Some people have used their increased downtime to achieve amazing things. Kyra Sutton is one of them.

Angie Young-Sutton/Facebook Source: Angie Young-Sutton/Facebook

She may only be nine-years-old, but she has gardening skills well beyond her years.

It all started when Bonnie Plants started a school program to get children interested in growing vegetables.

The company gave every third grader in Acme-Delco Elementary School a small cabbage plant or two in the hopes that the children would be able to grow them at home.

Angie Young-Sutton/Facebook Source: Angie Young-Sutton/Facebook

When coronavirus hit, many of the children at the school forgot about the cabbages. It’s understandable.

After all, when something scary happens in the world, children can hardly be expected to focus on something like growing a vegetable. But one of the kids, Kyra, was determined to keep her cabbage plants growing. And grow they did.

Angie Young-Sutton/Facebook Source: Angie Young-Sutton/Facebook

At the beginning of the program, the cabbages were only four to six inches wide.

But as the weeks went by, Kyra kept on watering her cabbages and noticed that they were growing rapidly.

To help the cabbages grow, Kyra would put buckets over them when it was cold. This protected the plants from the elements, and they thrived.

Angie Young-Sutton/Facebook Source: Angie Young-Sutton/Facebook

Soon, the cabbages were huge. Kyra, who had only seen cabbages in the supermarket, was amazed. She had thought that hers would only grow as big as the ones in the store. But one was easily five times the size of those, and the other was around three times the size.

Eventually, Kyra and her family realized that it was time to harvest the largest cabbage.

Angie Young-Sutton/Facebook Source: Angie Young-Sutton/Facebook

They dug it up from the ground and weighed it. Even though they knew it would be a heavy cabbage, they were still shocked at its weight. It was 31 pounds! How could Kyra have grown something that weighed as much as a medium-sized dog?

There was far too much cabbage for Kyra’s family to eat. So they cut the vegetable up and gave the pieces to 25 other families.

Angie Young-Sutton/Facebook Source: Angie Young-Sutton/Facebook

Soon, the second cabbage had reached a similar size. Before this one was harvested, Kyra got to enjoy lots of press coverage.

Every year, Bonnie Plants picks a cabbage growing winner in September. That winner gets a $1,000 scholarship.

Of course, there are still a couple of months until the winner is announced, but it’s unlikely that any of the other kids can grow a cabbage that rival’s Kyra’s 31 pounder.

Angie Young-Sutton/Facebook Source: Angie Young-Sutton/Facebook

Kyra is incredibly proud of her cabbages and rightly so. Clearly, the nine-year-old has great skill and patience when it comes to growing vegetables.

The child is probably going to continue to grow fruit and vegetables for her entire life thanks to this program and her success. And just think, if she can grow a 31-pound cabbage at the age of nine, what will she achieve when she herself grows into adulthood?

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Source: WWAY NEWS, Inspire More
