Tiny bulldog throws the most adorable tantrum when she gets mad at dad

Be sure to reach the end of this article to see the full video!

Toddlers have tantrums over the smallest things. Maybe their food is the wrong shape, or a squirrel stared at them too long or something like that. But these silly tantrums aren’t just confined to human toddlers.

Bulldogs can be stubborn animals. If they don’t get things their way, they lose it.

Wallpaper Flare Source: Wallpaper Flare

Of course, training can help with this behavior. But training can take a while. The little bulldog puppy in this video needed A LOT of training.

One morning, she walked over to her owner, happy as could be, and sat down.

Rumble Viral/YouTube Source: Rumble Viral/YouTube

The owner called out “Greta,” and the puppy looked up. It seemed like she had learned her name. But then she started barking at the owner, getting ever more agitated.

“You don’t like me calling you Greta?” asked the owner. Apparently the dog would never accept that name, and she kept on barking.

Rumble Viral/YouTube Source: Rumble Viral/YouTube

The owner started laughing at Greta, so she added some growling in between the barking. But the dog wasn’t intimidating anyone.

After a little more teasing, the owner picked Greta up, keen to cuddle with his grumpy puppy.

Rumble Viral/YouTube Source: Rumble Viral/YouTube

The puppy seemed to calm down now that she was on the sofa.

Luckily, the owner captured this entire incident on camera. The video appeared on YouTube, where it soon went viral.

To date, it has gained over 6.3 million views. It also has more than 102,000 likes and 6,800 comments. People have been saying things like this:

Rumble Viral/YouTube Source: Rumble Viral/YouTube

English bulldogs like Greta are infamous for being grumpy yet lovable. But it’s possible to train any bulldog to behave appropriately, with the right measures.

Andrea Arden/Flickr Source: Andrea Arden/Flickr

One of the best things that you can do with a bulldog puppy is to make them interact with other pets and people. This makes them grow up to be friendly to the people and animals they meet later in life.

The key to training out bad behavior with a bulldog is positive reinforcement.

Telling a bulldog that they’ve been a bad boy or girl will often just make them more stubborn! Instead, shower your bulldog with praise whenever they do something right, and they’ll soon crave this praise.

Pikrepo Source: Pikrepo

Positive reinforcement is an important part of bulldog potty training.

If a bulldog goes to the bathroom outside successfully, then really let them know that they did something good! It also helps to take the bulldog to a spot that is naturally sheltered for potty training. Also taking a bulldog straight back indoors after they go to the bathroom is a great way of making potty training stick, because they learn that that’s why you and your dog went outside. (It’s easy to do this with a bulldog, as they are low energy dogs and don’t need much walking.)

One of the most important things to teach to a bulldog is to drop things.

That’s because bulldogs love to eat food, (yes, all dogs love food, but bulldogs REALLY love food.) That means that if they don’t respond to “drop it” commands, then they can get into fights over food with other dogs or potentially eat something that is bad for them.

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Source: Rumble Viral, PetCareRx
