Little girls go rogue at dance recital and the audience can’t keep it together

Whenever you put little kids on stage you can be sure it will be entertaining – just maybe not in the way you had originally planned.

Teachers work hard to make sure kids remember what they need to do and try to mitigate any anxiety. Parents hold their breath in the audience hoping their kid won’t be the one to go rogue.

But some of the funniest moments are when things don’t go quite as planned – even if it might not seem ideal at the time.

Take, for example, this dance recital from 2017 in which 7 little girls – all toddler to pre-school-aged – let loose on stage.

Dressed in bright green sequined dresses and adorned with butterfly wings, the lights come up as Selena Gomez’s “Fly to Your Heart” begins to play.

It’s clear that the goal is to kneel and perform some elegant arm movements to begin with, but one of the tiny dancers pops up right away with excitement.

Screenshot via Shelley Rose/YouTube Source: Screenshot via Shelley Rose/YouTube

She soon figures out where she’s supposed to be and things briefly get back on track.

Once they all rise, some of them do twirls as others look around, confused. But the audience really gets a show when, slightly off-camera, a tiff appears to break out between dancers.

Screenshot via Shelley Rose/YouTube Source: Screenshot via Shelley Rose/YouTube

We’re not sure what the choreography was meant to look like at this point, but it’s clear that by about a minute into the performance, everyone is making up their own moves and no two dancers are doing the same thing.

Screenshot via Shelley Rose/YouTube Source: Screenshot via Shelley Rose/YouTube

And it appears our little butterfly argument wasn’t settled after all as two girls continue to swat at each other in the background.

As you might imagine, the audience can barely keep it together at this point. And we have no idea what the dance teachers, who undoubtedly worked hard to prepare the girls, are thinking!

Screenshot via Shelley Rose/YouTube Source: Screenshot via Shelley Rose/YouTube

It’s pretty obvious how such a video has racked up over 1 million views since it was posted in 2017 – it’s hysterical!

There are two girls who seem committed to the choreography though and attempt to get things back on track by having the performers join hands. Alas, some are unwilling to let the show go on.

Screenshot via Shelley Rose/YouTube Source: Screenshot via Shelley Rose/YouTube

Eventually, most of the girls are back on track as the audience cheers them on.

But there appears to be one diva in every scene as a dancer takes center stage much to the chagrin of the girl behind her who simply stands there pouting. Still, this is the most cooperation we’ve seen so far!

Screenshot via Shelley Rose/YouTube Source: Screenshot via Shelley Rose/YouTube

But just when we think things might straighten themselves out, another tiff breaks out and now more of the girls are swatting at each other on stage.

It’s less of a ballet and more of a boxing match at this point!

Screenshot via Shelley Rose/YouTube Source: Screenshot via Shelley Rose/YouTube

As two dancers chase each other around the stage and one begins to cry, a dancer who had previously been off-camera becomes the star of the show.

She’s not about to let her moment in the spotlight become a joke, so she breaks out her own choreography and lets the rest of her dancemates duke it out in the background.

Screenshot via Shelley Rose/YouTube Source: Screenshot via Shelley Rose/YouTube

The girls each find their own hilarious way to end the performance or take a bow to end the performance.

Screenshot via Shelley Rose/YouTube Source: Screenshot via Shelley Rose/YouTube

But you have to see the whole performance to really appreciate it.

Be sure to scroll down below to see the rest of the unintentionally hilarious routine.

Please SHARE this with your friends and family.

Source: Shelley Rose via YouTube,
