Tiny girl approaches widow and asks for a picture not knowing it would change his life

Human beings are social creatures, and being alone can be one of the most painful experiences anyone can go through, especially those near the end of their lives. One of the few comforts in life is that you don’t have to be alone, but that can make the pain of losing a loved one all the more unbearable.

82-year-old Georgia native, Dan Peterson, found himself utterly alone after the death of his beloved wife.

For six months, Peterson was trying to figure out what to do with the rest of his life. Deep in depression, Peterson gradually closed his heart, shutting himself from the world, isolated from his family—including his grandkids.

That was until he encountered a friendly little girl while shopping at a Publix grocery store.

Tara Wood and her four-year-old daughter, Norah, were shopping for cupcakes for her birthday party. Perched in the child’s seat of a shopping cart, Norah excitedly called out to Dan, who passed by. What happened next changed both of their lives for the better. “Hi, old person!” Norah said to Dan, “it’s my birthday today!”

Norah then asked Dan for a hug and asked for her mom to take a picture of them. This simple act of kindness left a profound impact on the heartbroken octogenarian.

Since that fateful meeting, Dan and Norah became inseparable best friends. Norah would visit him whenever she could, making sure he would never feel alone. Dan’s convinced she’s an angel sent to help him. Brought to tears in an interview with CBS, Tara said, “She just wanted to make him feel loved and gave him a hug,” Tara said, “His little lip quivered, he was teared-up, and it was just sweet.”

Nora would visit Dan at least once a week and would become a permanent part of his life.

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Sadly, it would turn out to a short-lived friendship, as Dan Peterson peacefully passed away on February 11th, 2020.

While Dan is no longer with Norah, the little girl in the grocery store managed to fill a lonely older man’s heart with unconditional love in a time when he desperately needed it most. As for Norah, it’s clear that she never forget her best friend.

People often overlook how a simple, random act of kindness can positively impact a stranger’s life. Forming bonds with others can help people pull themselves out of the holes they find themselves in; all you have to do is open your heart.

If you don’t mind crying tears of joy, check out the video below.

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Source: YouTube – CBS News, Facebook -Nora and Mister Dan, Today.com
