Couple does a double-take when they see a 2-year-old boy biking alone on the highway

Imagine you are driving along a busy highway and you spot a toddler peddling his bike toward oncoming traffic. That would be a pretty startling sight, wouldn’t it?

Well, that’s exactly what a couple from Las Vegas experienced one day along the Boulder Highway.

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You never know what you might see along the highway outside of Las Vegas.

Once you get outside of the bright lights of Las Vegas, there isn’t much else but an open landscape. There are some suburbs around but it is mainly desert until you get to the Hoover Dam.

It’s not really a place where you will run into too many unaccompanied toddlers peddling around on a tiny bicycle. That sort of thing tends to stick out a bit.

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Is that a toddler on a bicycle or a mirage?

Upon noticing the child, the couple wasn’t sure if they could actually trust their senses. Were they really seeing what they thought they were seeing? They spoke to Fox5 Las Vegas about the experience.

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“Is that a little kid?” the husband exclaimed. “Turn your flashers on!”

The man continued to repeat “turn your flashers on” in a mix of confusion and shock.

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Not the best place to go for a bike ride.

The small young human was peddling away as best they could along the highway. They were off to the side of the road and peddling towards oncoming traffic. Where is this kid going? Is anyone looking after him?

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The woman pulls over, attempts to block traffic.

Having never been in this situation before (has anyone?), the couple were not sure what to do. They pulled over to the side of the road and put their flashers on.

The man scooped up the boy as he rode past. Another driver in a Honda pulled over and called the police.

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Whose child is this and why were they on the highway?

When asked by the driver of the Honda if they lived in the nearby housing complex, the boy nodded. The couple then went door-to-door in the neighborhood asking people if they knew whose child it was. That’s when they knocked on the door of Matthew Eskridge.

“He asked me, ‘do I know who this kid belongs to?’ I’m like, are you serious?” Eskridge said.

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The boy is reunited with his mother.

Eskridge did not know who the toddler was but agreed to help find the parents. They didn’t have to look long, however, as the boy’s mother was frantically running up and down the street looking for him.

“As I came out the mom was running down the street and she ran out the gate cause she seen the cars parked on the side of the road,” said Eskridge.

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In fact, the mother was so frantic, she ran right past where her son was.

“The lady was holding the bike and she was like, ‘your son is in there!’ So, she turned back and they met [in my driveway],” said Eskridge.

It turns out the boy was riding his bike and got outside a gate that had been left open. He rode across the 2-lane highway and was peddling on the side of the road toward oncoming traffic. It was a scary incident but everyone is safe now.

Watch the full video below.

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Source: Fox5 Las Vegas/KVVU-TV
