Dance teacher’s toddler picks up some smooth moves courtesy of Beyoncé

With so many people trading in the beauty of the live arts for hum-drum days of work, television, and sleep, you’d be pretty lucky these days to be born into an artistic family. And considering how few of us manage to stay active despite it being helpful in treating everything from mental to physical ailments, having a parent who is a dancer is even better!

Think of what a great start to life that would give you, surrounded by music and dance.

Let’s face it, we’d all be better off if we found a few minutes a day to shake our booties (or any other part of our bodies).

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We don’t know if little Hunter grew up to be a dancer, but we’re willing to bet that the now-teen can at least hold his own on the school dance floor.

Over twelve years ago, his mom shared a video that went viral to the tune of over 27 million views. That’s because, while he was only 18 months old at the time it was taken, he was already starting to enjoy moving his body to the beat.

Mom explained:

“Being a dance teacher, your baby hears the music for each recital several times. It was so cute how Hunter, at only 18 months, would stay super still during the slow part of the song and start “dancing” when the music picked up. At our small studio recital we put him on stage and played the music to see what he would do…and he didn’t disappoint!”

We don’t know when mom, who goes by the handle mirandy54 on YouTube, posted the caption (it could have been years after the video was originally posted), but she continued:

“He is now almost ten, so he has grown up quite a bit, so we are glad we shared this memory on YouTube for our friends and family to see.”

We bet! And we’d love to know how Hunter feels about his viral fame these days.

Titled “A Star is Born,” the video is a mere 44 seconds long, but it is just what Hunter’s mom promised.

As Beyoncé’s hit “Get Me Bodied” plays in the background, the camera pans out to reveal the tot on stage at a recital, the word “Disco” emblazoned on the backdrop.

Screenshot via mirandy54/YouTube Source: Screenshot via mirandy54/YouTube

Dressed in tiny cargo shorts with a sporty cap, it’s unclear what exactly Hunter is going to do since he stands there looking at the crowd as the music begins.

But the second the the tempo picks up, he immediately flies into action.

Screenshot via mirandy54/YouTube Source: Screenshot via mirandy54/YouTube

Stomping his feet up and down as fast as he can while clapping, it’s clear we’re seeing this kiddo give it his all.

He’s a maniac on the floor!

Then, he moves a bit to the right and to the left, giving it some style and extra choreography.

Screenshot via mirandy54/YouTube Source: Screenshot via mirandy54/YouTube

And no toddler dance would be complete without dancing around in a circle while clapping.

Screenshot via mirandy54/YouTube Source: Screenshot via mirandy54/YouTube

Of course, the audience is charmed and gives him all the encouragement he needs.

Alas, he’s 18 months old, so a full routine isn’t practical yet. After just a little while, he’s done – but he’s in no hurry to get off the stage. Everyone is watching!

As the audience claps, Hunter gives himself a round of applause as well.

Screenshot via mirandy54/YouTube Source: Screenshot via mirandy54/YouTube

It’s all over once an adult comes to scoop him up from the stage.

Screenshot via mirandy54/YouTube Source: Screenshot via mirandy54/YouTube

After all, there are surely more acts to go. But Hunter has made his stage debut and should be very proud.

This isn’t the first time this kiddo has rocked out to “Get Me Bodied,” however. You can click here to see a more extended home performance.

But be sure to scroll down below to see little Hunter dance to Beyoncé on the “big” stage.

Please SHARE this with your friends and family.

Source: mirandy54 via YouTube
