Toddler waits for garbage man to come by every Thursday – One day, she gives him a special gift

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When Delvar, the garbage collector, saw that little Brooklyn was going to give him a present, he realized he had to get her one too.

In many ways, Brooklyn is your normal toddler. She is growing into a happy, loving child. But she’s bringing more than just her family joy.

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When you’re three-years-old, things that are trivial to adults are hugely important to you. And while Brooklyn loves her toys and TV shows, there’s something else that she especially looks forward to.

Every Thursday, the garbage man drives by her home at the same time. For adults, this is important, because the garbage won’t remove itself. But to Brooklyn, this is the highlight of her week.

In fact, every Thursday, she waits by the window anxiously to see the garbage truck pass by.

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When she sees and hears it approaching, Brooklyn runs outside. The garbage collector, Delvar, always honks the horn and waves at her as he passes.

And when he collects garbage, Brooklyn likes to say “hi” to him. It may sound silly to most adults. But to a three-year-old, this is just as fun as going to Disneyland.

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But the best Thursday ever (so far) for Brooklyn was when she was celebrating her birthday. Just imagine, she’d get gifts and get to see the garbage truck/Delvar on the same day!

Brooklyn also decided to give Delvar a gift, so that he would realize that he was a part of her birthday celebrations.

That day, when the truck passed by, Brooklyn walked up to Delvar and handed him a cupcake. Delvar was incredibly happy to see that Brooklyn wanted to include him as a part of her birthday.

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Delvar realized that he needed to thank Brooklyn for being so kind to him. So next Thursday, when he got out of his truck, he had lots and lots of presents for her!

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Delvar then sent Brooklyn and her mom a video of himself managing the garbage when it got to the dump, as Brooklyn had expressed interest in what happened to it. The two have been sending videos back and forth ever since.

And next week, Brooklyn wanted to show her appreciation to Delvar. So she and her mom made a sign that said: “Thank you, Delvar.” She held it out to him as he drove down the block.

Brooklyn and Delvar’s story then made its way onto YouTube, where it soon went viral. To date, it has gained over 3 million views. It also has more than 36,000 likes and 2,500 comments. People have been saying things like this:

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Clearly, Brooklyn and Delvar have been teaching a lot of people about the importance of acceptance.

There is so much judgment in this world. But at the end of the day, it doesn’t matter what someone looks like or what they do for a job. What matters is what someone is like on the inside.

Hopefully, Brooklyn will be able to maintain her friendly, kind values throughout her life. And one thing is sure: she has made a real difference already by showing people how to include others. That’s an amazing achievement for someone who is still a toddler!

Brooklyn for president, anyone?

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Source: Inside Edition
