2-year-old boy runs to give pizza delivery man a hug – unaware that he had just lost his daughter

This young child sprinted out the front door just to give a total stranger a hug. But these actions didn’t really surprise anyone in the family!

But that hug was something that meant way more than anyone in the home could understand. It was extraordinary.

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Parents are constantly cautioning their children to stay away from strangers. Especially people who offer you candy, and in some cases, pepperoni pizza.

However, Lindsey Sheely’s energetic 2-year-old was a little too friendly with a complete stranger. In fact, he didn’t run away, but the opposite.

When pizza delivery guy Peter Catterson knocked on Sheely’s front door, he probably thought that he was delivering to another random house on the job.

But all that quickly changed when the small boy came sprinting out of the house!

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The boy named Cohen didn’t give Ryan a tip, but instead wanted to give him a big hug!

Mrs. Lindsey can be seen in the video chasing down her son and picking him up away from the stranger, but the whole interaction had already taken place.

The mother shared the story on her Instagram and didn’t even feel like it was a big deal. Just a normal day in the life of a mother with a toddler.

But pretty soon, the video somehow made its way to Ryan, and he explained why it was such a big deal.

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While no one knew about his past struggles, Ryan had actually just lost his 16-year-old daughter just a week before.

Ryan and his wife are estranged and his daughter lived with his wife in California. She struggled with mental health issues.

But the hug from the small boy had much more impact than just a simple hug. It really touched Ryan and he said that he really needed it.

“After losing my daughter this past week, it touched me because it was like she was there. It really just meant a lot to me.”

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Danielle McCord, Ryan’s ex-wife mentioned that we all could learn a lesson from Cohen.

“It’s so easy to miss people and their internal pain. Even with our daughter, we didn’t know her pain. I can’t help but be grateful that someone saw his pain and was able to be there for him.”

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Ryan will have difficult weeks ahead of him, but we know he can get through it with the care and support of those around him.

“It’s going to be tough not going to be able to hug her again.”

This moment is something Ryan will never forget. A little boy hugging him without even knowing who he is.

“A lot of people are commenting that may have been her looking out for me. Those words mean something. Maybe she’s there.”

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Children are great because they look past things that might scare off adults, and are genuinely kind and compassionate.

We could all learn some lessons from the heart of the child.

Lindsey couldn’t be more proud of her toddler:

“That hug from Cohen was a little blessing from God. I believe in divine appointments and know that Ryan was the one to deliver our pizza for a reason.”

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So next time you see someone, just remember that they have a story. Something is going on in their lives that you can’t see. They might be in a rough spot mentally. You can help by being kind and compassionate. Together, we can all make a difference in the world!

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Source: YouTube, ParentingIsn’tEasy
