Tourist's holiday becomes rescue mission when he finds dog abandoned in the snow for days

A getaway vacation is one that goes straight into memory books. With an itinerary to have the trip full of fun excursions and downtime of relaxation. Sometimes unexpected things happen on vacation that throw a curveball in what was going to be your tranquil retreat.

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A short visit to Northern Romania had a visitor turned from a kind-hearted tourist into a generous hero.

Every day this guest left his resort he saw a fluffy golden orange dog curled up in a ball outside. That cute pup was a regular at the resort which the hotel owner constantly chased her off the premises, instructing all of his employees to never feed the stray dog.

The resort employees were forced to leave her in far below-freezing temperatures without a home or shelter.

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Thankfully that compassionate guest knew he had to go on a rescue mission to find this pup a happy home.

The guest brought the dog treats every day and slowly started building a relationship with the furry friend. Day after day they met up and exchanged treats for tail wags and smiles. As much as the guest wanted to take her home with him, he already had adopted pets of his own.

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So he went on a search to find a rescue shelter that could come out to Northern Romania and save this precious pup.

He contacted many shelters but most were very far from the resort. Until finally the guest contacted Howl Of A Dog, was still over 300 miles away from the hotel. Which then this hero offered to drive the dog now named Indy off into the safe arms of Howl Of A Dog.

This tourist bought the dog a crate with a blanket inside.

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The guest slowly got her familiar with the crate and lured her in after a few tries.

Indy was very shy but still friendly, and understandably it took her a bit to get comfortable. After this tourist saved beautiful Indy, Howl Of A Dog checked her out at the vet where they said she was about 5 years old. Her teeth were worn down as if she was twice the age. Life must not have been easy for her in those past five years.

But with plenty of love and care, Indy is becoming more confident every day.

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She has been making new friends at her shelter and learning how to play like a pup again.

It’s sad to say but this beautiful golden survivor is still waiting for a loving home that she can call her own. The foundation is able to transport Indy all over the world to a loving new family.

If you are in the need of a pretty furry friend, please take a look at Howl Of A Dog and give Indy that home she has been in need of.

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How can you not fall in love with that golden face of hers!? Thank goodness for the selfless tourist who took time out of his vacation to save sweet Indy!

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Source: Howl Of A Dog, YouTube
