Tussle between adorable German Shepherd pup and playful wolf gains over 4.8M views

Part wolf and part dog, wolf-dogs are a hybrid species.

All dogs are descended from wolves, but through breeding have lost many of the defining characteristics of wolves and made them more dependent on their human owners.

And while wolf-dogs tend to show some of the tendencies of their wolf ancestors, they do have some of the playful nature of their more domesticated cousins.

Take Smokey and Charlie for instance.

Smokey and Charlie have a special bond

YouTube Screenshot – Wheeling & Able Source: YouTube Screenshot – Wheeling & Able

Smokey is almost all wolf with a little malamute mixed in.

Charlie, on the other hand, is a German shepherd, which are wolf-like in their appearance, though they tend to be more docile and domesticated.

Smokey is way bigger than Charlie

YouTube Screenshot – Wheeling & Able Source: YouTube Screenshot – Wheeling & Able

The son of Smokey’s owner had decided to go a tamer route when he got a dog and opted for Charlie.

While German shepherds are fierce in their own right, Charlie was just a puppy when he came into the household and looked tiny in comparison to Smokey.

The two canines became fast friends

YouTube Screenshot – Wheeling & Able Source: YouTube Screenshot – Wheeling & Able

Fortunately for the family, Smokey and Charlie seemed to get along from the start. Before they knew it, the two canines had formed a strong friendship.

Like all puppies, Charlie had plenty of energy. And so, before too long, play fighting became a big part of the doggy duo’s day.

Playtime is the best time.

YouTube Screenshot – Wheeling & Able Source: YouTube Screenshot – Wheeling & Able

Of course, Charlie’s owner had to get their play sessions on video.

You can see how much they two like to play as they nip back and forth for a couple of minutes at the start.

Soon, though, it was time for Charlie to take a break, at least until later.

They couldn’t resist having another go.

YouTube Screenshot – Wheeling & Able Source: YouTube Screenshot – Wheeling & Able

Soon enough, Smokey and Charlie were back at it for round two. During this session, the two seemed to have even more energy.

Being older, Smokey was the first to wear down. Charlie kept rushing in, but eventually, he was too worn out to continue.

According to the two owners, the fight was a draw.

The pair are popular on YouTube

YouTube Screenshot – Wheeling & Able Source: YouTube Screenshot – Wheeling & Able

After the video was uploaded on YouTube, it soon had over 4.8 million views. It seemed that everyone who saw it could not get enough of the pair’s antics.

The video stands as a testament to the gentle nature that many wolf dogs have, though not everyone is as understanding about the breed.

Owning a wolf dog of your own

Pikist Source: Pikist

While the U.S. government classifies wolf dogs as domesticated animals, many states treat them as wild animals.

In addition to the questionable legality of owning a wolf dog, training one can be a headache in and of itself.

The simple fact is that wolf dogs have a lot of energy, and naturally, that can lead to a lot of chewed pieces of furniture and damage throughout the household.

Plus, wolf dogs like to mark their territory, even more so than domesticated dogs.

Showing love for the pack

Pikrepo Source: Pikrepo

Even if someone is dead set on adopting a wolf hybrid, they need to keep in mind a wolf dog’s natural aggression and predatory instinct toward anything that is not a wolf or a part of its pack.

But, as long as an owner is willing to put in the work, their wolf-dog pet can develop a relationship with other animals, just like Smokey and Charlie.

See the adorable tussle that has everyone in love below!

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Sources: YouTube – Wheeling & Able, The Wildest
