Twin babies start shaking in seconds of dad’s guitar playing

Raising twins isn’t easy. You have to double or even triple the laundry, diapering, and feeding. Because you’re caring for two babies at the same time, you get less sleep and time to care for yourself.

However, despite being hard, having twins isn’t that bad. In fact, it’s rewarding. You get lots of happy moments that make everything worth it.

A dad shared a glimpse of one of his best moments as a father.

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It was a video of his 11-month-old twins reacting to one of his songs. The adorable pair were sitting at the table and indulging in some peas when their mom started recording.

At first, mom gave a brief introduction.

She told the girls that their dad will be playing a song for them while they eat.

It’s his way of keeping the girls entertained.

The girls watched their mom with great interest. They were listening as if they could actually understand what she was saying.

Then, daddy started playing his guitar.

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The minute they heard it, each twin looked at each other and smiled widely.

They seemed so happy to hear their dad play the instrument. Despite not being able to talk yet, the twin girls showed serious appreciation for dad’s music.

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They started shaking and wiggling from side to side.

They danced to the beat while giggling. For nearly 30 seconds, they forgot about the peas they were eating. They were so focused on the song.

Dad played a song he made especially for them.

The twin kiddos probably found the tune familiar. Their dad wrote the song while his wife was pregnant with them. They must have enjoyed hearing it while they were still in their mom’s belly. Truly, it was a special song.

When Dad stopped playing, the twins stared at their parents.

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They were probably wondering why their dad suddenly stopped. At that moment, mom stopped recording, too.

It wasn’t clear if Dad played again. Well, based on the kids’ confused look, there’s a good chance that he played another song. Those angelic twin faces are seriously hard to resist.

The twins’ parents uploaded the video online.

And it was an instant hit. More than 27 million people have seen it. Considering how cute the girls’ dance moves were, it’s safe to say that the video will continue to earn more views.

Can babies hear inside the womb? At about 18 weeks, babies can start hearing their very first sounds. By the time they reach 24 weeks in the womb, their ears start developing rapidly.

They’ll be more sensitive to sounds as weeks pass, particularly their mom’s voice. In fact, once the pregnancy reaches the third trimester, babies can already recognize it. Whenever their mom speaks, their heart rate increases.

What about songs?

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Well, researchers noticed that babies who were able to hear a specific song repeatedly while they were inside their mom’s womb tend to calm down when the same song is played after they’re delivered.

It’s probably the same reason the girls acted giggly and happy when they heard their dad played the guitar. They must have recognized the tune and his voice. And just like how the song made them feel while they were inside mom’s belly, hearing the song instantly made them feel extra happy, too.

Don’t just take our word for it, though. See for yourself in the video below.

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Source: Parenting Isn’t Easy, YouTube
