Twin toddlers plot epic escape, not realizing mom is watching the whole time

Ah, parenting. It’s a full-time job, and kids, especially toddlers, are a handful. One baby can be hard enough to keep up with, but twins are double the trouble!

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You can do everything within your power to keep them under control, but they will always find ways to surprise you.

This mom experienced it first hand while watching her adorable twins.

She had installed a baby gate to keep her 10-month-old son and daughter in their playroom. But they couldn’t be caged! They plotted their escape from their playroom prison. It’s a hard life, being a toddler.

The little boy started trying to open the gate’s latch, focusing all his effort until he managed to slowly push it open.

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When mom caught him escaping, she didn’t stop him, but instead started film the scene and monitoring the kids to see what they’d do with their new found freedom.

I hope that gate has a money-back guarantee, because it doesn’t work! Maybe her kids are just too clever, but aren’t these things supposed to be child-proof?

Luckily, mom was around to keep an eye on the mischievous pair.

The gate swings open and the boy’s sister has caught on to what’s happening. Maybe it’s that twin instinct. She’s already speed-crawling towards the exit. A swift escape!

I’m not sure if the mother should be proud or concerned.

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The twins start crawling down the hallway. Where they’re going? We’re not sure. They’re simply excited to be free!

The little girl has an “anything you can do I can do better” approach, and speeds past her brother into the hall. Go girl!

Meanwhile, their mother can’t hold back her laughter.

“You two, I don’t think you’re supposed to be back there!”

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They know they’ve been caught, and start a high-speed chase. They won’t conform to what The Man wants them to do. Well, the woman in this case but, you know what I mean.

They’re spoiled for choice – seemingly endless doors to choose from in the hallway. Which room will they explore first?!

I think these two are going to grow up to be adventure travellers.

Instead of sticking together, they decide to split up to cover more ground. Genius. Meanwhile their mom just follows them calmly, giggling at their enthusiasm.

“I’m not sure about this!”

She says as they split off into different rooms down the hallway.

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The little girl gets the feeling she’s being watched… and turns around to look right into the camera!

I think she’s realized their swift escape plan wasn’t so sly after all, but she’s still going to make the most of her short-lived freedom.

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Kids say and do the darnedest things, don’t they?

These two were born to be wild!

The charming clip has more than 750,000 views over the last 6 years, and the parents are on their way to 1,000 YouTube subscribers. They’ve promised to create a reenactment of the original video with their now 7-year-old twins if they hit their 1k target. YES PLEASE!

So watch the video below, then head on over and hit the subscribe button so we can see the remake!

Please SHARE this with your friends and family.

Source: Wildcat History
