With an unbreakable bond since mommy’s womb, adorable video catches twins cuddling during sleep

This mother gave birth to two twins. Of course, they spent time cuddling together in the womb for about nine months, but who would have thought that even after breaking free, they would continue to hold each other as sweetly as they are?

Looking at one baby fast asleep is simply enough to override our hearts with pure, buzzing joy… But two babies?! There is just an unexplainable calmness to it, and it is so, so sweet. Cutenesss overload.

Unilad Source: Unilad

A clip of these two twins cuddling hit the Internet and, naturally, it went viral. Why? Well because who doesn’t love the cuteness of two sleeping babies?! If you watch this video and your heart doesn’t burst because it is so adorable, then you are stone cold, my friend!

These twins clearly have such a special bond — while there are currently no scientifically-proven facts that this, it sure feels like something is bringing them together. Maybe neither of them want to lose that closeness they had together in the womb. Maybe they feel a special connection, or it’s something spiritual… or maybe they just love being cozy! Regardless of the reason, it is downright adorable and it is indeed happening. They are inseparable and can clearly feel each other in some way, on some other level.

Unilad Source: Unilad

It is said that twins do have a special connection though. Like if something bad is happening to one of them, the other can feel it. They can sense each other’s emotional state and provide support through all of it — the thick and thin!

Unilad Source: Unilad

One research study even found that twins’ lifelong connection can promote longevity and overall health. This is because there is a “protection effect.” Talk about the ultimate plus one!

If you want more facts about twins then buckle up! Did you know that mothers of twins may also live longer? So not only does this proud mother get to watch her cute babies snuggle, but she has longevity as well, a study found! Apparently, mothers who birth twins are very strong and healthy to begin with. It can be an evolutionary adaption where moms take the chance to pass on double their genes at once.

Unilad Source: Unilad

Another fact is that twins do interact with each other when they are in the womb. A different study found 3D videos of twins in their mother’s womb, reaching for each other at 14 weeks of gestation and touching each other more than their own bodies at 18 weeks of gestation. It also showed that they were very delicate with each other, especially around the sensitive eye area!

Unilad Source: Unilad

One last fact that is actually quite hilarious: 40% of twins invent their own languages. They are called autonomous languages and the babies use each other as models when developing the brand-new language. It usually consists of inverted words and onomatopoeic expressions. It happens when two babies who are very close are both trying to learn a real language alongside one another. How frickin’ adorable!

Check out the video of the two twinsies snuggling for yourself below. You are guaranteed to feel all warm and fuzzy inside almost immediately!

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Source: Fabiosa
