Best friends overjoyed when parents plan secret reunion after living cross-country for months

What would you do if your best friend moved away from you across the entire country? For seven-year-old Caden and seven-year-old Carson, that’s exactly what happened last year.

It’s the story of two young kids that missed each other dearly during their time away from each other.

Now, a heartwarming video shows their magical reunion after six long months apart.

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It all started when Carson’s family moved across the country to South Carolina.

Caden was really bummed out about his best friend’s departure from his life. They had known each other since they were both two years old. In other words, they had been best friends for the majority of their entire lives.

While five years of friendship isn’t exactly a lifetime or anything, at that age, having to make new best friends and having to start all over again sounds so rough.

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Their parents promised them that it wouldn’t be forever and that they would make some trips to visit occasionally.

However, around that same time period was also when the coronavirus pandemic hit.

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We all know how that story played out.

Lockdowns, social distancing, and of course, no cross-country trips to see old friends! It was a really tough time for everyone. Friendships around the world suffered and loneliness hit all-time highs.

The Mayo Clinic even has an entire page dedicated to helping kids cope with the loneliness that struck many families after the pandemic began. If kids aren’t able to see their best friends, it can lead to anxiety, depression, and increased stress. It’s just not good for mental health to be separated from our friends for too long!

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Luckily, Carson and Caden still had Zoom to help keep their friendship alive.

They could video chat over the Internet, but it wasn’t the same as when they used to be able to hang out in person. At seven years old, kids want to play in the backyard and climb trees, or sit next to each other in the living room and play video games.

The parents knew it was crucial that they eventually get Caden and Carson back together again. The two families really needed to see each other!

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Finally, though, after six brutal months apart, the parents were able to organize something.

They didn’t tell Carson or Caden though. Caden’s family was going to South Carolina to visit a relative, so Carson’s family drove from a few towns over to meet them. Neither of the kids had any idea what would happen next.

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As Carson approached the house, Caden spotted him out the front door and came sprinting outside.

The two of them instantly latched onto each other in a giant bear hug.

“I never thought I would see you up here,” says Carson in the video.

They grabbed each other and held on for dear life, not ever wanting to let go.

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It was an emotional moment for everyone, and soon, even a couple of tears started flowing.

They were tears of joy — the joy of two best friends that missed each other so much!

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Kids want face-to-face time and to be able to run around like wild animals. Talking solely over video is better than nothing, but it lacks the fun and spontaneity that playing together in person has. Kids need to see each other in real life!

Check out the full video below to see the emotional reunion of the two best friends.

Please SHARE this with your friends and family.

Sources: T&T Creative Media, Mayo Clinic, DailyMail
