Mama dog on chain begs not to have her tiny puppy taken away

It’s hard to believe, but it’s already been nearly a year since the war in Ukraine began. That’s a lot of people who’ve fled their homes, and a lot of animals left behind or living in poor conditions.

We’ve covered Ukrainian pet rescues before, and there’s still plenty of stories from the country to cover. This one here is about a little dog name Busia.

YouTube Screenshot - Love Furry Friends - Rescue Channel Source: YouTube Screenshot - Love Furry Friends - Rescue Channel

Busia is a mixed breed, but I can’t tell what her parentage is. She lives in a run-down property in Ukraine where a rescue organization found her.


Love Furry Friends is the rescue organization in question. They’ve saved pets from Ukraine’s war-torn land time and time again. It seems like they plan to keep going as long as there are still animals out there in need of their help.

They came across Busia after a neighbor reported the dog and the living conditions she was under.

YouTube Screenshot - Love Furry Friends - Rescue Channel Source: YouTube Screenshot - Love Furry Friends - Rescue Channel

The organization paid a visit to the locale and saw just what they were dealing with.

Old panels, doors, and fences were fallen over and piled together in one spot. It was a mess, and there was a dog or two at the center of all of this.

Sergey, the neighbor who alerted them about the dog in the first place, helped them out once they got there.

He called the neighbor to request permission to enter property and take the dog.

The neighbor got back to him and said they’d just hand the dog over when they come back tomorrow.

YouTube Screenshot - Love Furry Friends - Rescue Channel Source: YouTube Screenshot - Love Furry Friends - Rescue Channel

Well, tomorrow came and they finally got to meet little Busia.

There was a surprise though: Busia had a puppy with her.

The dog had given birth to a litter of 4 recently. Busia’s male puppy was the lone survivor of the litter. His 3 sisters drowned for reasons unknown. Those poor things.

They came to rescue Busia but had to change their plans slightly to include the little one.

YouTube Screenshot - Love Furry Friends - Rescue Channel Source: YouTube Screenshot - Love Furry Friends - Rescue Channel

Besides, there was no way she’d let them separate her and the puppy, who they named “Buddy.”

When one of the rescuers handled the puppy, Busia began crying thinking they were taking it away from her.

Don’t worry, Busia. That’s not gonna happen.

Busia was only 2 years old and had seen things that most dogs wouldn’t see in their lifetime.

YouTube Screenshot - Love Furry Friends - Rescue Channel Source: YouTube Screenshot - Love Furry Friends - Rescue Channel

Love Furry Friends took the two dogs to the vet for a checkup.

Buddy was about 1.5 months old and in surprisingly healthy condition too. There was some good news!

YouTube Screenshot - Love Furry Friends - Rescue Channel Source: YouTube Screenshot - Love Furry Friends - Rescue Channel

They also gave Busia a sterilization after she breastfed her puppy. With how small she is (at just 4kg), she might not have the energy to carry any more puppies in the future.

Buddy won’t be getting any more siblings, and it might be for the best.

Of course, the trip wouldn’t be complete without a bath.

YouTube Screenshot - Love Furry Friends - Rescue Channel Source: YouTube Screenshot - Love Furry Friends - Rescue Channel

Mother and puppy both got a nice, soothing session in the showers and got scrubbed down.

Now, you couldn’t tell they were saved from a war-scathed country.

They were ready to live life like normal dogs now. Complete with soft beds and walks around the park.

YouTube Screenshot - Love Furry Friends - Rescue Channel Source: YouTube Screenshot - Love Furry Friends - Rescue Channel

And it was only possible thanks to the people at Love Furry Friends.

Watch the video about Busia’s rescue below. Please share this article too!

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Source: Love Furry Friends – Rescue Channel
