UPS driver’s adorable Facebook page proves that not all dogs hate the mailman

You often hear ‘mailman horror stories’ about dogs barking at postal workers or chasing them out of yards, but apparently there’s more loving going on behind the scenes than most people are aware of.

Sean “Dawgzilla” McCarren, a UPS driver from West Virginia, has been working as a delivery driver for over 17 years.

He took on the gig part-time when he was in college, studying to be a school teacher. However, nearly two decades later, he hasn’t been able to let it go. Sean’s favorite part of his day is meeting the dogs along his route – and back in 2013, he started a Facebook page called UPS Dogs, where he could share photos of him and his furry friends.

UPS Dogs/Times Union Source: UPS Dogs/Times Union

In an interview with TODAY, Sean said:

“[The dogs] become a part of your family, kinda. They’re expecting you. The worst is when you run of out treats… Next time, they get a double treat!”

Sean isn’t the only UPS driver with a fondness for dogs.

He revealed that it’s not uncommon for drivers to keep boxes of dog treats in their vehicles. “I know people who buy a couple of boxes a week,” he said. “As soon as you deliver to a stop, especially in rural areas, [the dogs] start popping up in your truck.”

UPS Dogs Source: UPS Dogs

While the UPS Dogs Facebook page was simply a way for Sean to share the photos he had gathered, in 2017 the page blew up after BuzzFeed News came across it and reported on the topic.

Now the UPS Dogs page boasts more than 1.7 million Facebook followers, with an additional 500,000 on their associated Instagram account.

UPS drivers and dog owners are encouraged to submit pictures to the group via email. However, in an interview with SFGate, Sean warns he gets about 20 to 30 emails per day. He sometimes schedules the posts months in advance, but he states that he does try to post every one. While most photos are ‘a go,’ there are a few rules to be aware of. For instance, Sean stated, “I won’t post kids unless a family member approves it. I won’t post anything unprofessional looking and I don’t do advertising or promotional stuff.”

“It’s more about the dogs and the drivers. It’s not political. It’s a pure page and we don’t post anything negative.”

UPS Dogs Source: UPS Dogs

Sean’s page isn’t just restricted to dogs, however.

The animal lovers who subscribe can also expect to see the various other animals UPS drivers meet along their day – including cats, sheep, deers, and even ponies!

UPS Dogs Source: UPS Dogs

Sean’s group isn’t totally lighthearted though. It’s also a place for drivers to commiserate and to seek support for grief. Sean told TODAY: “There’s sadness when you lost dogs on the route. Last year, I lost a dog, Belle… She would come out and greet me and expect a treat, and then she died suddenly last year. You see [the dogs] every day. It’s tough on the families too.”

Since the BuzzFeed News story in 2017, UPS Dogs has only grown in popularity.

Sean is always looking to share photos of drivers with their furry friends – and if you have a photo that fits the bill, feel free to email it to [email protected], along with a brief caption, the dog’s name, and your name and location.

Watch the adorable video below!

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Source: In The Know
