UPS driver adopts pit bull after learning his owner passed away

UPS and other postal workers are known to be “dog lovers.”

They encounter household pets whenever they drive through their respective neighborhoods and give them all a treat or two.

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But one UPS worker didn’t expect that she’d be the one to pick up a package this time around. Her route became her and Leo’s first encounter, and now, it will become their forever life.

Katie Newhouser has been working for UPS for 15 years.

Tina Rummel was one of her clients. But more than that, through years of service, they became friends. She shared with TODAY their friendship started when Newhouser saw Rummel walking her pitbull Leo.

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It wasn’t Rummel who became friends with Newhouser, however. She shared that Leo even hopped onto her truck and looked around the back.

Since then, Leo would “go crazy” and would always want to come down and see the UPS worker. She didn’t know what Leo saw in her but she’d take the friendship any day.

Unfortunately, Rummel passed away.

One day, Newhouser saw Rummel’s son Canon taking out furniture. She didn’t think much of it. But when she checked Rummel’s Facebook page, she learned what happened.

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Canon was also on his way to training to be a Marine. This means Leo is in danger of being left behind. Good thing another person was thinking about his welfare.

“I told Canon I would foster Leo until he got home from his training,” said Newhouser with TODAY. However, this proposition wouldn’t last long.

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Newhouser noticed that Leo was getting along really well with Newhouser’s other dogs. That’s when the UPS worker decided to adopt Leo. Canon was grateful and he was relieved to learn that Leo will go to a family that will take care of him.

Newhouser shared that the whole vibe of their home changed when Leo came along.

There were times when her dogs would be difficult. They’d be grumpy and unpleasant so Newhouser assumed it would be a challenging transition for Leo.

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But as soon as the pittie entered the room, her pack perked up as if knowing that the dog was the newest addition to their family. Newhouser shared that after the introductory sniffing, the pack started running around their backyard.

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The challenges didn’t end there. She shared with PEOPLE that Leo had a lot of health problems like constant ear infections and rashes. More than that, Leo missed Rummel.

Fortunately, he developed a relationship with Newhouser and her dogs eventually.

She shared that Leo would whine and cry still one some days, but his adjustment to his new life had been tremendous.

As a new pittie owner, Newhouser also shared she began experiencing the stigma against the breed. People can be a bit averse towards these large dogs but Newhouser remained firm that it couldn’t be further from the truth.

“He’s a big baby. He’s one of the most gentle dogs I have ever met,” Newhouser said to The Dodo. “He’s big and he looks like he could be mean, but if you look at his eyes, you can just tell that he’s just the sweetest dog.”

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Source: YouTube – Inside Edition, The Dodo, TODAY, PEOPLE, Facebook – Katie Newhouser
