U.S. Air Force Honor Guard impresses internet with ultra-precise step performance


You’re probably familiar with the United States Air Force Honor Guard. As the the official ceremonial unit of the United States Air Force, it represents the US Air Force in public ceremonies.

If you think choreography is hard, you’ll be blown away by the ever-precise military demonstrations these guys put on. They’re never a step out of place, and their formation is exceptional. It’s incredibly pleasing to be able to watch a demonstration in action.

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One of the latest videos of a Drill Team performing in an unknown US location shows exactly why these events are worth attending. It’s certainly up there with the best performances we have seen.

The crowd is cheering and clapping before the demonstration even begins. They know they’re in for a treat as the Honor Guard members stand frozen in their starting positions.

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Then the performance gets going. The Guard begin to march on the spot, stamping their feet and spinning their batons in an intricate routine. They stand in pairs, facing one another, and switch batons with ease. They’ve clearly practiced this routine to perfection, as every move is timed perfectly.

At one point, certain members of the Guard wheel their batons around and throw them smoothly through the air behind them. The movement is so spot-on that the Guard members behind them are able to catch the batons seamlessly.

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The Guard then march into a straight line and, one-by-one, cartwheel their batons through the air, creating a ripple effect.

There are so many precise moves to remember, and the routine lasts for just over 10 minutes. For all the men to have mastered every small action in this performance is something that must have taken incredible dedication.

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The audience can’t get enough of the talented demonstration they’re witnessing. They cheer, whoop and clap as the Guard show off their incredible skills.

We can see how important it is for the Guard to represent and preserve the Air Force heritage. They are standing true to the Honor Guard’s statement:

“These men personify the integrity, discipline, teamwork, and professionalism of every Airman and every Air Force mission.”

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The video is more than enough to make an American feel truly proud of their country. It’s not just the perfect hand eye co-ordination of these men – it’s their commitment to their role, and amazing discipline while wearing such an important uniform. With the Jefferson Memorial in the background, the footage simply couldn’t get any better.

We might only be witnessing a 10-minute performance, but we’d imagine that it represents hours and hours of training, learning, practicing and perfecting. The Guard are acting for those who are fighting for the country, and the heroes who have fallen. Performing with precision, skill and respect is incredibly important.

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According to information from the official site of the Honor Guard, individuals who rank as technical sergeants and below have to complete mandatory Drill Team training. This eight-week training course is followed by an evaluation in front of the USAF Honor Guard leadership and their peers. It is at this moment that an individual can officially become a member.

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We have a feeling that Drill Team training is too advanced for the majority of us, but that’s okay – we think we’d much prefer to watch their performances as audience members.

You can watch the full performance in the video below.

Please SHARE this with your friends and family.

Source: See it Live, YouTube/AiirSource Military
