Vet teach shares why it's so important to stay with your dog during euthanasia

Owning a dog will fill your life with so much love and moments you wish would last forever.

But them the realization of time and doggy years means they will always say goodbye first. And that’s if you’re lucky to see your dog see his old age. Not everyone is so blessed.

Pexels - Jean Alves Source: Pexels - Jean Alves

Having to put a dog down due to medical issues is a heartbreaking choice. Certain sicknesses and injuries can be difficult to treat and advancement in years could make the decision for an owner.

Euthanasia can be a compassionate choice.

No one wants to see their pet suffer day after day.

Pexels - Pranidchakan Boonrom Source: Pexels - Pranidchakan Boonrom

With that said, the compassionate thing to do is to spend a dog’s final minutes with him.

Eternal goodbyes are never easy and oftentimes, tears will be shed. But there are some who drop off their pets and just walk away, leaving the poor dog all alone in their final moments.

Pexels - Tima Miroshnichenko Source: Pexels - Tima Miroshnichenko

Reddit user u/rescuemum is a vet employee.

The user posted on Reddit begging pet owners to stay with their pets. Euthanasia is heartbreaking and she’s seen what pets are like when owners leave them in their final moments.


In the post, she wrote, “I’m sick of people dropping their dogs off to be euthanized. It might be hard to say goodbye but it’s hell for them. They already don’t like the vet, they’re confused, they’re scared, they’re sad and they’re looking for YOU when they take their last breath.”

Pexels - Christian Domingues Source: Pexels - Christian Domingues

She went on to say that she can do her best “to provide them as much love and comfort as I humanly can,” but that ultimately, it is the owner’s love that makes it easier for the dog.

Pexels - Suzy Hazelwood Source: Pexels - Suzy Hazelwood

The Reddit user shared a story of a woman who left her dog alone to be euthanized.

She wrote: “Today a lady dropped off her 13 year old dog to be put to sleep after I told her we didn’t have a vet in clinic as she was on farm calls all day, she insisted on leaving her there at 9am, knowing that our vet wouldn’t be back until well after 6pm. She was too busy to bring her back later, so she left her sweet girl to be alone all day before dying.”

Pexels - Valeria Boltneva Source: Pexels - Valeria Boltneva

The vet employee spent the entire day with the dog, taking her for a small walk and then feeding her a cheeseburger and a donut for her last meal.

Pexels- Humphrey Muleba Source: Pexels- Humphrey Muleba

She then ended up on the ground cuddling the dog, but the dog refused to be comforted by a stranger.

She said, “I kissed her and told her she was a good girl while she crossed the rainbow bridge, but her eyes never stopped looking for her family. Dogs know what’s happening, don’t do this to them. Be there when they cross that bridge. It won’t kill you, I promise.”

It’s such a sad story, and it only serves as a reminder for owners to be with their pets during those final moments.

Pexels - Lina Kivaka Source: Pexels - Lina Kivaka

They were always there for you. Be there for them.

Please SHARE this with your friends and family.

Source: The Animal Rescue Site
