Vet tech emphasizes how critical it is to stay with your dog through euthanasia

Everybody loves dogs, and there is nothing we wouldn’t do to keep them secure and content.

Dogs age, though, much like other species do. There is no reversing their deterioration into weakness as they age. Not even Science can change this painful truth.

We can’t keep them forever.

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Despite the fact that we all believe in miracles for our dogs’ lives, they frequently do not occur. We will all eventually have to say our final goodbyes.

In its literal sense, euthanasia refers to an “easy and painless death.” It’s basically putting your pet to sleep so they don’t suffer anymore. It is the intentional taking of life, and it is surely a difficult decision to make.

But sometimes, it’s necessary.

Flickr - Tom Purves Source: Flickr - Tom Purves

Regrettably, some pet owners would decide to leave their animals throughout this procedure before they ever breathe their last.

In their last moments, they leave their cherished pets alone because they couldn’t bear watching their dogs pass away.

But that is unacceptable to one vet tech.

Flickr - vharjadi Source: Flickr - vharjadi

She vented everything on her Reddit page under the alias “u/rescuemum”.

“I work at a vet clinic and I’m sick of people dropping their dogs off to be euthanized. It might be hard to say goodbye but it’s hell for them,” she posted. “They already don’t like the vet, they’re confused, they’re scared, they’re sad and they’re looking for YOU when they take their last breath.”

For her, this is a cruel act.

“I can try to provide them as much love and comfort as I humanly can but at the end of the day, I’m a stranger to them,” she emotionally continued.

Flickr - Pete Markham Source: Flickr - Pete Markham

Apparently, on that same day, this exact scenario happened at the vet where she works at and she just couldn’t bear it.

She narrated it on her Reddit page.

“Today a lady dropped off her 13-year-old dog to be put to sleep after I told her we didn’t have a vet in clinic as she was on farm calls all day,” she recounted. “She insisted on leaving her there at 9am, knowing that our vet wouldn’t be back until well after 6pm. She was too busy to bring her back later, so she left her sweet girl to be alone all day before dying.”

Flickr - Mike Liu Source: Flickr - Mike Liu

In the same post, she said that she had spent the day caring for the helpless puppy. They got her a hamburger, went on a little stroll, and then snuggled with her while they were lying on the ground.

She did her best to console the dog.

The dog was confused. She was crying out in fear. She must have found it quite difficult to comprehend why she was with a total stranger.

She had no idea that person would be her final companion before leaving. It must’ve been agonizing to witness.

Flickr - Mike Liu Source: Flickr - Mike Liu

“I kissed her and told her she was a good girl while she crossed the rainbow bridge, but her eyes never stopped looking for her family,” she wrote. “Dogs know what’s happening, don’t do this to them. Be there when they cross that bridge. It won’t kill you, I promise.”

This serves as such a strong reminder to all of us. We are their best friends so we better act like one.

Check out the video below to know more about euthanasia.

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Source: Animal Channel
