Veteran takes dog to prison facility and he immediately sprints toward female inmate

To be in the military means being physically fit, mentally stable, and emotionally strong. Soldiers spend months and even years away from their family, friends and loved ones.

PTSD or Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder is a sad consequence of such a life. A life of sacrifice.

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The U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs does advice those with PTSD to consult a psychologist or psychiatrist for professional mental health care.

They encourage people to engage in sports and to surround themselves with a support group. They can also get help in the form of a service dog.

A veteran named Sgt. Bill Campbell suffers from PTSD.

He is one among many who chose to be assisted by a service dog. His dog called Pax has helped him cope with everything he feels.

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Sgt. Campbell suffers from memory loss, and a fear of crowds. So this adorable yellow Labrador stepped in to help him cope.

Pax had been of great help to him, according to the soldier. Every time he has an episode of PTSD, Pax is there by his side.

It was the yellow Labrador who made life a bit more bearable for him. Campbell experienced a lot of difficulties but thanks to the dog, he was able to deal with them.

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For this reason, Sgt. Bill really wanted to meet the trainer who cared for Pax and taught the dog the skills he has that helped him.

The soldier wanted to express his gratitude so he reached out to Pax’s trainer. He wanted to meet a woman named Laurie Kellog and thank her in person.

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He soon discovered that Pax used to live at Bedford Hills Correctional Facility. The dog was cared for by female inmates as it was a part of the service dog training program.

Sgt. Bill also learned that Laurie took delight in training Pax.

Laurie suffered from PTSD as she was a victim of domestic violence.

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Laurie told stories about Pax when he was still in training. The dog was always there when she had a PTSD attack.

Pax always made her feel so when she found out that the dog was requested to help a soldier with PTSD, she was more than happy.

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Laurie was beyond ecstatic upon seeing and reuniting with the amazing dog who changed her life. Even Pax knew as he wagged his tail upon seeing his old trainer.

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Pax ran straight to Laurie, wasting no time and showering her with lots of kisses.

And since both Sgt. Campbell and Laurie suffered from PTSD, both parties greeted each other with a tight embrace. Pax had the best moment of his life seeing his former and present owners bonding in front of him.

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No one is ever alone. Help is always available for those who seek it, regardless of what they suffer from. The best part is that the sweetest help can come from those with fur and paws.

Watch the heartwarming reunion below!

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Source: My Positive Outlooks, OWN
