Video captures preschool tap dancer taking full advantage of her time in the limelight

Many of us get to spend a moment on stage in front of an audience at some point in our lives, and some of us never forget it (for better or for worse). But one little girl’s stage debut is something millions of people have delighted in since it was first recorded in 2013.

Over 15 million to be exact!

We can only assume Randall Burns’ daughter was on stage too when he recorded the now-viral video. But if his other YouTube uploads are anything to go by, he had the wherewithal to focus on a different little girl making her debut.


As 10 preschoolers lined up on stage for their tap recital, it became clear very quickly that one dancer had more energy than the others. She took her few minutes of fame and put them to good use, rocking out the minute Sondheim’s “Broadway Baby” began to play.

(Don’t worry, the video quality gets a bit better.)

Screenshot via Randall Burns/YouTube Source: Screenshot via Randall Burns/YouTube

As we know, most dance performances by children are an adorable-yet-cringy event. Sure, they’ve practiced, but nothing can really prepare you for looking out at an audience for the first time. That’s why so many of these videos usually involve a bunch of children looking like deer stuck in headlights.

But our show’s star gives people a performance to remember!

Screenshot via Randall Burns/YouTube Source: Screenshot via Randall Burns/YouTube

Theoretically, there was some choreography involved, but that’s largely gone out the window. In fact, despite being a tap dancing class, there’s very little actual tapping going on.

Other performers are into it as well, but no one more than our star, who seems to be dancing to the beat of a different drummer in more ways than one.

Screenshot via Randall Burns/YouTube Source: Screenshot via Randall Burns/YouTube

You can hear the audience laughing as she steals the show.

Her moves even get a little intimidating for a moment, although the dancer on the right keeps things professional in the face of being potentially upstaged.

Screenshot via Randall Burns/YouTube Source: Screenshot via Randall Burns/YouTube

We can only guess that the little girl on the right belongs to the parent recording the performance – perhaps they just got a little extra flair thanks to the order in which the girls were lined up.

If so, this will be the perfect video to show her just how well she maintained her composure that day!

Screenshot via Randall Burns/YouTube Source: Screenshot via Randall Burns/YouTube

The antics never really end in this performance, although there are a few brief moments when the kids look like they’re roughly on the same page.

But in the end, it’s hard to take your eyes off the little diva dancing her heart out.

Screenshot via Randall Burns/YouTube Source: Screenshot via Randall Burns/YouTube

Her facial expressions alone are enough to prove that she’s not intimidated by the audience or the bright lights. (Then again, perhaps she’s so freaked out she’s lost the plot a bit – we’ll never know.)

What we do know is that among a plethora of children’s dance recital videos, this one is amongst the most entertaining.

We just want to know if her parents were cheering her on in the audience that day or covering their faces. (We hope it’s the former because they’re clearly raising a superstar!)

Screenshot via Randall Burns/YouTube Source: Screenshot via Randall Burns/YouTube

We can only hope she kept up with her dancing! This is a girl who deserves to be center stage.

And her debut performance is truly something you have to see in action.

Be sure to scroll down below to see the hilarious antics of the ultimate dancing diva.

Please SHARE this with your friends and family.

Source: TODAY, Randall Burns via YouTube
